the 2nd century
Irenaeus (120-202 AD) wrote Against Heresies, he catalogued the
beliefs and history of Gnostics. The Gnostics offered the
world a different type of “Christianity”, with a different
“Jesus” and a different “Gospel”. Irenaeus wrote to help
Christians refute the false Gnostic systems that led people
astray from the “Biblical Christianity”. Gnosticism competed
with Christianity because it had a similar offering to
Christianity, there was a Gnostic Jesus, Gnostic gospels,
claiming to be written by those close to Jesus.
Gnostic belief systems can be seen in both Islam and Mormonism
today. Islam’s belief that Jesus never died on the cross
originated with Basilides, who live during the time of Hadrian
(A.D. 117-138). The Mormon system of multiple gods ruling over
multiple planets, and Jesus and Satan being brothers, is found
in Gnostic belief systems. The
New Age, is not “New” but repackaged from the
Pre-Judean/Christian world in a form acceptable to Post modern
age. The New Age unlike most cult systems is a collection of
ideas and teachings with a common theme. Like Gnosticism, The
New Age utilizes Christian themes and names but is packaged with
pagan and Hindu teachings, offering a much different “Gospel”.
New Age concepts such as Channeling
and Astrology are condemned in the Old Testament, and are not
new at all. The current “New Age Gnostic system can be traced
back to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
the late 19th century Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, cofounder of
the Theosophical Society, announced a coming New Age. She
believed that theosophists (who embraced Buddhist and Brahmanic
notions such as reincarnation) should assist the evolution of
the human race and prepare to cooperate with one of the Ascended
Masters of the Great White Brotherhood whose arrival was
imminent. Blavatsky believed that, as the world's hidden
leaders, members of this mystical brotherhood guided the destiny
of the planet. Her ideas contributed to expectation of a New Age
among practitioners of Spiritualism and believers in astrology,
for whom the coming of the new Aquarian Age promised a period of
brotherhood and enlightenment. Blavatsky's successor, Annie
Besant, predicted the coming of a messiah, or world saviour, who
she believed was the Indian teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti. In the
1940s Alice A. Bailey, founder of the
Arcane School (an
organization that disseminated spiritual teachings), suggested
that a new messiah, the Master Maitreya, would appear in the
last quarter of the20th century. Bailey also established the
“Triangles” program to bring people together in groups of three
to meditate daily. Participants in the program believed that
they received divine energy, which they shared with those around
them, thus raising the general level of spiritual awareness.
In 1970
American theosophist David Spangler moved to the Findhorn
Foundation, where he developed the fundamental idea of the New
Age movement. He believed that the release of new waves of
spiritual energy, signaled by certain astrological changes
(e.g., the movement of the Earth into a new cycle known as the
Age of Aquarius), had initiated the coming of the New Age. He
further suggested that people use this new energy to make
manifest the New Age. Spangler's view was in stark contrast to
that of Bailey and her followers, who believed that the new era
would arrive independent of human actions. Spangler's
perspective demanded an active response and shifted the
responsibility for the coming of the New Age to those who
believed in it.
Returning to
the United States in the mid-1970s, Spangler became the major
architect of the movement. He presented his ideas in a set of
popular books beginning with Revelation: The Birth of a New Age
(1976) and attracted many leaders from older occult and
metaphysical organizations to the growing movement. The
collapsing psychedelic movement also provided new supporters,
including spokespersons such as noted psychologist Richard
Alpert, who, like Timothy Leary, was an advocate of the use of
hallucinogenic drugs to achieve mystical experiences. Alpert,
however, found enlightenment in India, and returning to the West
as Baba Ram Dass, he disavowed the drug experience and advocated
more traditional spiritual disciplines. Simultaneously,
periodicals were published to disseminate information and to
create a sense of community within the decentralized movement.
As the movement grew, bookstores opened that specialized in the
sale of New Age books, videos, and meditative aids.
Today, many
New Age writers like the Gnostics in the past are attempting to
combine their version of God with the Biblical God.
Neale Donald Walsch, author of
the “Conversations
with God” series
claims to have had a dialogue with God in his books. He
describes the first occurrence.
Neale says
that he heard a voice, soft and kind, warm and loving, that gave
him an answer to this and other questions. Awestruck and
inspired, he quickly scribbled these responses onto the
In his books
Walsh purports to write down responses to questions he poses to
God. God responds to his questions, often contradicting much of
the Bible and affirming a pantheistic world view. “God” quotes
to Walsh from the Bible, Quran and other texts his views on
various subjects. Walsch claim of spiritual communication is not
new at all, but is called “familiar sprits”.
Channeling Cults
is a common thread of inspiration in most cults, the founder has
the claim of a mystical experience, where he or she communicates
to a “Spirit” who identifies itself. This “Sprit” is either an
individual who has died and evolved to a higher state, or is a
heavenly being such as an Angel. For example,
Mani, founder of the Manicheans had his
“Twin” Angel who guided in him in understanding.
Mohammaed, who founded Islam, was guided by
the Angel Gabriel.
Joseph Smith was guided by the Angel Moroni, a
resurrected being from a former age.
Sun Myung Moon, founder of the
met with Jesus, Confucius, Mohammad and Buddha.
David Berg, founder of the Children of God,
met with Abraham.
The concept
of Sprit guides is condemned in the Bible as “Familiar Spirits”
The Hebrew word for familiar, means to recognize or to be
acquainted with.
'Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not
seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord
your God. Leviticus 19:31
'And the person who turns to mediums and familiar
spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My
face against that person and cut him off from his
people. Leviticus 20:6
'A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar
spirits, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone
them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them.' "
Leviticus 20:27
"When you come into the land which the Lord your God is
giving you, you shall not learn to follow the
abominations of those nations. |
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his
son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who
practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who
interprets omens, or a sorcerer, |
"or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a
spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. |
"For all who do these things are an abomination to the
Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your
God drives them out from before you. Deuteronomy
18:9-12 |
Foundation of the Current New Age is the communication with past
masters, who are guides for this world. The New Age, claims to
be led by those who are on a higher spiritual plain
communicating the physical realm. J. Z. Knight claims to
channel for Ramtha, a 35,000 year-old-warrior-king and former
inhabitant of the mythical civilization of Atlantis. J.Z. is
just one of a host of such examples throughout history.
The Source of Channeling
Why does
scripture condemn, talking to familiar sprits or channeling?
The answer is in the book of Ephesians, chapter 6.
12 |
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places Ephesians
6:12 |
The world we
live in is both physical and spiritual, the physical is visible
but the spiritual is invisible. In this world, there are wicked
spiritual forces, fallen angels, who rule over principalities in
heavenly realms. In Daniel 10, one of these rulers of darkness,
called the “Prince of Persia” resists Daniel’s prayers for 21
days, but is finally overcome. “Familiar Sprits” are fallen
angels masquerading as someone “familiar” with the
Programs such as “Crossing Over” and games like the Ouija board
are vehicles for “Fallen Angels” to deceive the listener. This
is the reason most cults both Old Age and New Age are similar
but just packaged different. The New Age cults originate from
the same “Fallen Angels” who authored the heresies and cults
before them, just packaged in a more acceptable way.
of the New Age
The New Age
God is an impersonal force pervading all creation; this is known
as Monism meaning “One-ism”. They believe all that
exists is derived from a single force of divine energy. This
concept was popularized in the movie “Star Wars”, where the
Force, was present in the Universe.
This view of
god harmonizes with the Hindu view of Pantheism.
Pantheism believes all that exists is God; God is all that
exists. This leads naturally to the concept of the divinity of
the individual, that we are all Gods, Gods within the self and
throughout the entire universe. The Hindu Vedas read:
This whole
world is Brahma. Tranquil, let one worship. It as that from
which he came forth, as that into which he will be dissolved,
as that in which he breathes.
Man is
ultimately God, this follows from the Monist and
Pantheistic view of God.
This is the
being/embodiment relationship, as exemplified primarily in the
Eastern religions and philosophies….this relationship simply
affirms that all life is one, that I am one with God and can
embody Divinity…God and I do not just communicate; we commune
and are one. There is no separation except failure to recognize
that there is no separation.
MacLaine, a Hollywood voice for the New Age wrote in here book,
Out on a Limb,
I know that I
exist, therefore I AM, I know that the God-source exists.
Therefore IT IS. Since I am part of that force, then I AM that I
Sin and Satan
Since Man is
God, there is no standard of right or wrong. The Bible as an
eternal code of right and wrong is meaningless.
God is
everything—He is everything. So anything you do, you have an
inner action in divinity. Remember that, and do what you want
to do.
the love of God; how great this Entity-Self is, that is
all-encompassing, that will allow you to be and do anything you
wish and hold you judgeless. God has never judged you or
anyone. If He has then He has judged himself, for who be you
but He.
We can take
all the scriptures and all the teachings, and all the tablets,
and all the laws and all the marshmallows and have a jolly good
bonfire….because that’s all they are worth. Once you are the
law, once you are the truth, you do not need it externally
represented for you.
Since New
Age, believers do not hold to the scripture and view the world
from a Monist and Pantheistic view. The “Force” consists of
both good and evil. The personal devil is nothing more then an
The devil was
a masterful ploy by a conquering institution to put the fear of
God, most literally, into the hearts of little ones—that God had
created a monster that would get them unless they be good to
him. The devil was used to control the world most effectively
and even today it is still feared and believed. Someone conjured
it up—a God—and thus it became, but only to those who believed.
mankind is not a fallen creature, no salvation is necessary. We
only need to rescue from ignorance of our godhood. Once we
enter “god-realization”, “enlightenment”, “attunement” or
“at-one-ment (With God), we are personally transformed.
We already
know everything. The knowingness of our divinity is the highest
intelligence. And to be what we already know is the free will.
Free will is simply the enactment of the realization that you
are God, a realization that you are divine.
The aim of a
Course in Miracles is to lead us from duality to oneness—to the
realization of our At-one-ment with God, our Self, and all
people---our brothers. In this healing, is our Salvation—we are
saved from our misperceptions of ourselves as separated
individuals. When our perception is corrected we remember our
true or higher Self…Salvation is really enlightenment.
Jesus Christ
The Jesus of
the New Age is differs from the Biblical Jesus. The New Age
separates Jesus from Christ. Jesus was one of many Christs or
teachers, who came to show the way. Christ is seen as office
being held by an avatar or teacher.
differed but little from other children, only that in past lives
he had overcome carnal propensities…Jesus was a remarkable
child, for by ages of strenuous preparation he was qualified to
be an avatar, a savior of the world.
In every age
Teachers have come forth from this spiritual centre to enable
mankind to take its next evolutionary step; we know them, among
others, as Hercules, Hermes, Rama, Mithra, Vyasa,
Sanskaracharya, Krishna, Buddha, and the Christ. All perfect men
in their time, all sons of men who became Sons of God, for
having revealed their innate Divinity.
The belief
in UFO’s coincides with the belief in masters who appear to
guide and direct mankind to a higher evolutionary plain.
Astrology is
another part of the New Age movement that is repackaged for
modern consumption.
12 |
"Stand now with your enchantments And the
multitude of your sorceries, In which you have labored
from your youth-Perhaps you will be able to profit,
Perhaps you will prevail. |
13 |
You are wearied in the multitude of your
counsels; Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, And
the monthly prognosticators Stand up and save you From
what shall come upon you.
Isaiah 47:12-15 |
2 |
Thus says the Lord: "Do not learn the way of
the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,
For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.
Jeremiah 10:2 |
19 |
"And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to
heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the
stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to
worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has
given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a
Deuteronomy 4:19 |
Recent surveys of US adults indicate that many Americans hold at
least some new age beliefs:
8% believe in astrology as a method of foretelling the future |
7% believe that crystals are a source of healing or energizing
power |
9% believe that Tarot Cards are a reliable base for life
decisions |
about 1 in 4 believe in a non-traditional concept of the nature
of God which are often associated with New Age thinking:
11% believe that God is "a state of higher consciousness
that a person may reach" |
8% define God as "the total realization of personal, human
potential" |
3% believe that each person is God. |
The group of surveys cited above classify religious beliefs into
7 faith groups. 2 Starting with the largest,
they are: Cultural (Christmas & Easter) Christianity,
Conventional Christianity, New Age Practitioner, Biblical
(Fundamentalist, Evangelical) Christianity, Atheist/Agnostic,
Other, and Jewish, A longitudinal study from 1991 to 1995 shows
that New Agers represent a steady 20% of the population, and are
consistently the third largest religious group. 2