Our minds are changed by
God’s Spirit
view of the world determines how we
approach life. It determines our
values. We ask, what does the world
think of us? For many, their lives
shaped by the world around, the latest
trends, attitudes and philosophy mold
their thinking. When we know Christ, we
are set apart from the world. We are
called to change the world, not to be
changed by it.
1 I beseech you therefore,
brethren, by the mercies of God, that
you present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
2 And do not be conformed
to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may
prove what is that good and acceptable
and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:1-2
The battle takes place in
the mind, the world tries to mold the
believer’s way of thinking into a fallen
mindset. The Spirit of God counters this
through the renewing of the mind,
transforming us. The transformation
takes place in the way we think, we are
no longer to think the way the world
wants, but the way God wants.
Two words used
here in the Greek, give a fuller meaning
to this verse, the first word is
transform, meaning changing form.
Scripture commands the believer to have
a metamorphous. This is accomplished
through an event which takes place in
the mind. The word renew comes from the
Greek word,
ajnakaivnwsiß Anakainosis
which combines two words, ana
meaning “again or back” and kainosis,
meaning “new”. The transformation
takes place, when the mind is restored
by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling
in us.
We become
living sacrifice, by subjecting our
desires and flesh to the will of God, by
letting the Holy Spirit rein in our
lives. Through the Spirit of God, we
have the ability of making choices,
subduing our flesh and thinking. When
this happens, we allow the Holy Spirit
to take control; He begins to lead our
life in the direction, where we can
serve the Kingdom of God.
The Holy Spirit
calls every believer to position of
leadership; we are called to lead those
without Christ into eternity. The
greater our submission to the Holy
Spirit, the more powerful our call, as
God takes control of our life, advancing
His Kingdom.
Scripture is
filled with examples of leadership, how
God takes ordinary men, and transforms
them into leaders of his people. From
the fall, God has sought leaders for His
people, to lead and encourage them, is
there any reason God has not appointed
you? Are you willing to lead people
into the Kingdom of God?
Principles from Gideon
Gideon sets a
good example for us, how the Holy Spirit
causes us to be the spiritual leaders
God wants. Gideon lived at the time of
the Judges. This is a
four-hundred year period in the nation,
prior to the time of Davidic Kingdom,
when the tribes of Jacob, had been led
into the Promised Land under the
leadership of Joshua. The time period
of the Judges was 1400 to 1050 B.C. From
Joshua to Saul, with Samuel being the
last judge.
1. When times are tough
God sends leaders
Gideon lived at
a fearful time in Israel’s history, the
nation had been disobedient, and did
evil in the eyes of the Lord so God
allowed its enemies to have control over
the nation. Over and over again in
Judges we see a disobedient people
delivered to their enemies because they
rejected God’s leadership. God then
responds to their cries by sending
judges. These judges would lead the
nation, delivering them from
1 Then the children of
Israel did evil in the sight of the
Lord. So the Lord delivered them into
the hand of Midian for seven years, 2
and the hand of Midian prevailed against
Israel. Because of the Midianites, the
children of Israel made for themselves
the dens, the caves, and the strongholds
which are in the mountains.
Judges 6:1-2
leaders we have to be willing to lead
people from a place of spiritual
darkness or mediocrity to a higher
level. We do this by demonstrating our
own life, casting a vision to those who
God has placed in our life. However, we
need to understand its not about us, but
the Holy Spirit in us, using us to lead
His people into greater fellowship with
2. God’s does not call
leaders based on their ability but their
Israel was being
judged because they did evil, God
allowed their enemies to have victory
over the nation. They became servants to
their sin; they were forced to live in
hiding as a result of their life
choices. God responded to their cry, he
chose Gideon not because he was from the
most powerful family or tribe, but
because he was from the weakest.
Through Gideon, God could get the glory
for the victory as opposed to Gideon’s
credentials. Notice Gideon’s response,
he felt completely out of place and
inadequate for the job of leading the
nation. Because he was humble in his own
15 So he said to Him, "O
my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed
my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and
I am the least in my father's house."
Judges 6:15
Even though Gideon lacked the
credentials, God gave him the abilities
he needed to accomplish the job
required. Gideon saw himself as least,
but God saw him as a mighty man of
valor. God hailed him, “you might man
of valor!” God knew what the man
Gideon could accomplish, when he allowed
the Holy Spirit to take charge.
11 Now the Angel of the
Lord came and sat under the terebinth
tree which was in Ophrah, which belonged
to Joash the Abiezrite, while his son
Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress,
in order to hide it from the Midianites.
12 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to
him, and said to him, "The Lord is with
you, you mighty man of valor!"
Judges 6:11-12
This applies to every believer, when we
think we are able in “our own power”, we
are least able, we are depending on our
own ability. To Gideon it was very
clear, he was not capable of doing what
God wanted, he however did not reject
the idea, he just knew he was not able.
This is why God could use him, because
he did not depend on his ability, but on
what God could accomplish through him.
Over and over again we see this
principle in scripture, both in the Old
and New Testaments, God uses very
unlikely people to accomplish his work.
Just imagine these headlines!
Noah a father with three boys rescues
Fatherless Abram becomes the father of
many nations after his 90-year old wife
gives birth!
Joseph, imprisoned Jewish slave becomes
prime-minister of Egypt, second only to
Rahab, the Canaanite becomes great-great
grandmother to the Messiah!
David the boy sheep herder slays the
greatest warrior of all time, Goliath !
Daniel the Jewish hostage becomes prime
minister of Babylon!
God’s leaders (us) need to really learn
to comprehend what it means, when the
Lord uses us. Its never about us, we
should not try to see it from our
ability or lack of ability, but from
God’s ability. Like the leaders of note
who were before us, we need to learn to
make our life available, lets stand back
and watch the Lord transform us.
3. The Holy Spirit is the
force within that transforms us to
Leadership comes
to those who allow the Holy Spirit to
take charge in their life. This
principle is demonstrated in the life of
Gideon. Gideon obeyed the Lord, who
called him to pull down the idols of
Baal, as a result the nations gathered
against him, now when all hope seemed
lost, the Spirit of the Lord descends on
Gideon. From this point on, Gideon is
successful because the Spirit is now
working through him; he is pushed
forward as the leader, calling the
nation for war against Israel’s enemies.
33 Then all the Midianites
and Amalekites, the people of the East,
gathered together; and they crossed over
and encamped in the Valley of Jezreel.
34 But the Spirit of the Lord
came upon Gideon; then he blew the
trumpet, and the Abiezrites gathered
behind him.
Judges 6:33-34
This principle also applies to us, when
we become living sacrifices (Romans
12:2), we allow the Holy Spirit to take
charge of our life. We have a
metamorphosis, we are transformed. We
then become available for the Lord’s
service; the Holy Spirit then turns us
into leaders, to be used for the Lord’s
work. We begin to advance the Kingdom of
God, leading souls into eternity.
Samson killed the lion only after the
Spirit of the Lord gave him the power.
Saul became King only when the Spirit
came upon him, then he could lead the
And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily
upon him, and he tore the lion apart as
one would have torn apart a young goat,
though he had nothing in his hand. But
he did not tell his father or his mother
what he had done.
Judges 14:6
6 "Then the Spirit of the Lord will come
upon you, and you will prophesy with
them and be turned into another man. I
Samuel 10:6
4. God does not need large
numbers but chooses faithful leaders
Another principle demonstrated in the
story of Gideon is God’s desire to
diminish man’s power and glory, that we
see the source of victory. In Gideon’s
situation, 120,000 people from the East
had gathered against Israel, Gideon had
only called 32,000 people; the odds did
not look good for Gideon and Israel. For
every Israelite there were almost 4
opposing fighters. God did not like the
odds either, he thought there were too
many Israelites, he did not need that
many. So he told Gideon to dismiss
anybody who was afraid, twenty-two
thousand left, leaving only ten thousand
to fight 120,000. Now the odds were 10
men for every Israelite. God still did
not like the odds, there were still too
many Israelites. A further reduction
reduced the size of Israel’s army to
300- men to oppose the 120,000 from the
east, the odds were 400 to 1.
Now God would get the glory in any
victory, because it seemed nearly
impossible for such a small force to
even be a factor. The enemy ended up
panicking and killing each other, when
Gideon attacked at night with trumpets
and torches. The point in the battle
was God received the glory for Gideon’s
leadership, God through Gideon
demonstrated he will use what is
despised and weak to accomplish His will
even when the odds are impossible.
God’s message is the same to us, as it
was to Gideon and Zerubbabel when the
Jews retuned from Babylonian captivity.
So he answered and said to
me: "This is the word of the Lord to
Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power,
but by My Spirit,' Says the Lord of
hosts. 7 'Who are you, O great mountain?
Before Zerubbabel you shall become a
plain! And he shall bring forth the
capstone With shouts of "Grace, grace to
Zechariah 4:6-7
Everyone who wants to be used by the
Lord can take this to heart, God is
still using Gideons. Everyday God is
using people who seem unusable by the
world’s standards to do work, spreading
the Gospel, advancing the Kingdom of
God. This includes us if we are
willing to be part of the team, to bring
the Gospel to the lost.
God gave Gideon the task of defeating
Midian, which was oppressing His
people. Gideon, became the agency which
the Spirit of the Lord, used to lead the
300 who defeated the much larger force.
Gideon vision was transferred to his
When we have a vision of spiritual
leadership, given to us by the Lord, we
can pray to complete the task, not based
on our
Getting the vision of your leadership
How does God want to use you to lead
others? Ask Him, where he wants to use
you. Find out where you can be used,
ask the pastors of your church. Ask
your friends, get input from others and
pray, ask the Lord to show you where you
can lead? Get a vision for your
purpose! A prayer along these lines
might help.
Lord, I make myself available to you for
service. Where can I be used to advance
your kingdom? Lord I might lack
abilities to do you work, but I know you
can provide any of the tools I need.
Help me to know the vision you have for
I want to lead people to accomplish your
will, use me to reach people who do not
know you. Lord please give me the
confidence I need to be your leader.
Give me a love for people, let me see
the reality of eternity and help me to
act. Give me an urgency to be used by
you. In Jesus name I pray...
Once you know the direction the Lord is
leading you, prepare yourself for
service. Many times God allows our
sincerity to be tested, so we know (for
our selves how real the desire is),
sometimes people.
Here are some suggestions, where
leadership is needed today.
Discipleship |
Finding people who are new
Christians and helping them
become established in the faith
through personal one on one
study. Using your experience
and knowledge to answer
questions about the
Use your abilities to teach
others about the Word of God.
Youth Ministry
Get involved in leading youth,
volunteer to teach a class, be
part of the |
Evangelism |
Make friends with people,
neighbors, co-workers, whoever
the Lord puts in your life
establish friendships, leading
people to Kingdom of God |
Whatever vision we receive, we can take
the principles of human relations
established in the book,
How to Win Friends and Influence People
as way building the people God has
placed in our life.
Part I
1. If you are going to
find faults.......Begin with praise and
honest appreciation
2. To criticize and not
be hated for it..... Call attention to
people’s mistake indirectly.
3. Talk about your own
mistakes first.... before criticizing
the other person
Part II
4. No one likes to take
orders...ask questions instead of giving
direct orders
Growing up as a
child most people have received orders,
from their parents, family members,
coaches and school teachers. However
when you grow up, giving someone on a
peer level an order creates an immediate
hostile environment. The person
receiving the orders is immediately
taken to time in their life, when they
were the child, receiving orders from a
Depending a
situation, especially if a person is
peer, asking questions instead of giving
orders is a more effective way of
leading people to action. Even in
situations, where an order might not be
in question, a tremendous amount of
good-will can be generated by helping
the other person make the decision,
rather then being ordered.
5. Let the other person
save face
Try to imagine
yourself in an embarrassing situation?
How does it feel to be embarrassed, with
the spotlight turned on? When we let
others save face, we are protecting them
from an embracement. A leader does not
only think of their situation, they try
to imagine the perception of those they
are leading. By letting the other
person “Save face”, you are absorbing
the emotional trauma. Simple things,
such as if a person are late to a
meeting, not taking notice of their late
entry. Being generous with your
authority, fosters confidence and goes a
long way in developing those who the
Lord wants you to lead.
Quoting from
How to Win Friends and Influence People,
French author and aviation pioneer said
the following,
“I have no right to say or
do anything that diminishes a man in his
own eyes. What makes matters is not what
I think of him, but what he thinks of
himself. Hurting a man in his dignity is
a crime.”
6. How to spur people on
to success...Praise the slightest
improvement and praise every
All of us want to
be significant, we want to count, its
part of nature. When we recognize
people and their accomplishments, we are
saying “you matter”, you count. Life
can be hard and merciless, when we
recognize accomplishments of others; it
can be like a cup of cold water in a hot
dusty desert.
How to Win
Friends and Influence People
describes the life transforming effects
praise can have on a weary soul, who is
disheartened in life.

“Many years ago a boy of
ten was working in a factory in Naples.
He longed to be a singer, but his first
teacher discouraged him. “You can’t
sing,” he said, “You haven’t any voice
at all. It sounds like the wind in the
But his
mother, a poor peasant woman, put her
arms about him and praised him and told
him she knew he could sing, she could
already see an improvement, and she went
barefoot in order to save money to pay
for his music lessons. That peasant
mother’s praise and encouragement
changed that boy’s life. His name was
Enrico Caruso, and he became the
greatest and most famous opera singer of
his age.
Enrico Caruso’s mother believed in her
son’s abilities, she praised him. Her
praise gave him the strength to
continue. Life can often be a defeating
force for many, by praising people we
can encourage them to continue. Being a
follower of Christ in a fallen world,
can at times seem impossible, so many
potential attacks can dishearten a
struggling Christian.
Another example
of how praise can bring encouragement,
in How to Make Friends and Influence
People, is a famous author most of
us know.
In the early nineteenth century, a young
man in London aspired to be writer. But
everything seemed to against him. He
had never been able to attend school
more that four years. His father had
been flung in jail because he couldn’t
pay his debts, and this young man often
knew the pangs of hunger. Finally, he
got a job pasting labels on bottles of
blacking in a rat-infested warehouse,
and he slept at night in a dismal attic
room with two other boys—guttersnipes
from he slums of London. he had so
little confidence in his ability to
write that he sneaked out and mailed his
first manuscript in the dead of night o
nobody would laugh at him. Story after
story was refused. Finally the great
day came when one was accepted. True,
he wasn’t paid a shilling for it, but
one editor praised him. One editor had
given him recognition. He was so
thrilled that he wandered aimlessly
around the streets with tears rolling
down his cheeks.
The praise, the
recognition, the he received through
getting one story in print, changed his
whole life, for if it hadn’t been for
that encouragement, he might have spent
his entire life working in rat-infested
factories. You may have heard of that
boy. His name was Charles Dickens.