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The Holy
Spirit reveals the Word of God
are we? Once we find the answer to this question of who, then
we can know our purpose. For some the answer of “who”, is
irrelevant. Others see our identity as the result of one big
accident, followed by many smaller accidents called random
in the evolution of life. If we are just accidents, nothing
more then highly evolved animals, what is our purpose? Well, we
would have no purpose; to have purpose assumes there is some
greater goal or meaning. Something beyond ourselves, gives
purpose, without God, our purpose is no more relevant then a
leaf on tree, which exist and falls away from the tree.
According to
the Bible, this is not the case; we are made in the image of
God, the Creator of the universe. Our being is modeled after
His existence. Through logic, we can determine the existence of
a First Cause
and an Intelligent Designer,
both which point to the logical need for the existence of God.
However, logic cannot identify God, unless God chooses to reveal
Himself. Why is this so? If God made the eyes, ears and mind of
humanity, how would we know whom the creator is, unless the
creator revealed Himself to creation?
The Bible
teaches, we are made in the Creator’s image, but our condition
is fallen, we lack the ability to know God apart from His
willingness to reveal Himself. Isaiah in the Bible paints a
vivid picture of our fallen nature in the
Isaiah 59. He shows how our fallen nature
prevents us from knowing our Creator.
1 Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, That it cannot
save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear. 2 But your
iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins
have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. 10 We
grope for the wall like the blind, And we grope as if we had no
eyes; We stumble at noonday as at twilight; We are as dead men
in desolate places. 11 We all growl like bears, And moan sadly
like doves; We look for justice, but there is none; For
salvation, but it is far from us. 12 For our transgressions are
multiplied before You, And our sins testify against us; For our
transgressions are with us, And as for our iniquities, we know
Isaiah 59:1-14
This is our
predicament, how can fallen humanity know God? We cannot! That
is the point, it is impossible for us to know God, unless He
reveals Himself. Does God choose to reveal Himself? Yes, He
does, the Bible, the Word of God, is the written record of God’s
revelation. The revealed record is the inspired word of God,
which the Holy Spirit revealed through the prophets to us.
understanding and knowing God is beyond our nature, meaning it
is super-natural. Since we are fallen, the Holy Spirit plays
two roles in revelation. One role, the Holy Spirit reveals the
Word of the Lord to fallen humanity through the prophets who
transmit God’s Word. Second, after the word is revealed the Holy
Spirit reveals these words to fallen man, moving them to
understand and apply God’s Word. These two aspects of the Holy
Spirit work together in Revelation.
Holy Spirit and
Isaiah captures our situation; he paints four pictures of our
condition in Isaiah 59:10, each pictures the helpless condition
of humanity. Notice Isaiah includes himself, saying “We”, the
“blindness’ of the human condition is at issue.
We grope
for the wall like the blind,
We grope as
if we had no eyes;
We stumble
at noonday as at twilight;
We are as
dead men in desolate places.
Therefore, the
Holy Spirit revealed the communication of God to fallen
humanity. The Holy Spirit then gives us the ability understand
the words revealed to humanity. In our fallen state, we are
enveloped in darkness, unless God reached down to us, we would
be without hope.
These are two
aspects of the Holy Spirit’s revelation; 1. He reveals God’s
Word 2. He gives us the ability to understand the revelation.
1.The Spirit
reveals God’s Word
How does the
Spirit reveal the Word of God? When we read the Bible, we see
the different ways God spoke; Moses for example went to Mt.
Sinai and was with God on the Mountain for forty days, while
David wrote under the power of the Spirit. Ezekiel caught up by
the Spirit, was taken to Jerusalem. John in Revelation sees and
talks to the resurrected Jesus, Jesus tells him to write a
letter to seven churches. Paul saw a vision of Jesus on the road
to Damascus and was commissioned to bring the Gospel to the
Gentiles. These are just a few examples, but we can see God’s
method of revelation is not uniform.
The Bible was
transmitted through the power of the Holy Spirit, is recorded
in a written format. Yes, God used human agents to pen the
words, but these authors were working under the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit. The Bible was not an oral transmission
as some liberal schools teach but a written transmission,
the Hebrew culture was literate from the earliest times as
validated in archeological records. Therefore, through written
transmission, the Words of God were recorded, and through
the generations, the words were transmitted to the present era.
The role of the Holy Spirit in the transmission of scripture is
noted in Zechariah.
"Yes, they made their hearts like flint, refusing
to hear the law and the words which the Lord of hosts had sent
by His Spirit through the former prophets. Thus great
wrath came from the Lord of hosts.
Zechariah 7:12
A. God dictated the message
In some cases,
God directly dictated the message, such as in the book of
Revelation chapters 2 and 3, where Jesus tells John what to write to
the Seven-churches (Revelation 2-3). God in Exodus wrote the
Ten Commandments in the stone, which Moses carried down Mt.
10 "Then the Lord delivered to me two tablets of stone
written with the finger of God, and on them were all the words
which the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst
of the fire in the day of the assembly. 11 "And it came to
pass, at the end of forty days and forty nights, that the Lord
gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant.
B. Prophets
wrote under Inspiration
In other cases,
the prophets recorded what they saw and did under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They were not dictating the
words of God, but were recording their own words and
impressions, under the power of the Spirit. For example, the
Davidic Psalms were written under the power of the Spirit, Jesus
says David wrote under the power of the Spirit (see also
Acts 1:16).
36 "For David himself said by the Holy Spirit: 'The Lord said
to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your
footstool." '
Mark 12:36
Moses also
under the power of the Holy Spirit recorded the history of
creation, including events such as what happened at the Garden
of Eden, when Adam and Eve fell. How could Moses have known the
details of these events, unless God’s Spirit revealed them? All
of Genesis took place before the birth of Moses, with the death
of Joseph being the last verse.
The New
Testament, like the Old was written under the direction of the
Holy Spirit, this was the promise Jesus gave to the disciples.
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father
will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to
your remembrance all things that I said to you.
John 14:26
The disciples
then affirmed the written transmission of the other disciples,
Peter affirmed Paul’s words as scripture (2 Peter 3;15-16).
C. Prophets had dreams and visions:
Prophets also had dreams and visions. In these
dreams and visions, the Holy Spirit revealed to the prophets the
very words of God, through the interpretation of the dream and
vision. Dreams occur while the person sleeps, while
visions take place when the person is awake. In both
instances, God through the power of the Spirit revealed His
Peter was on the roof of his house praying, and fell
into a trance, seeing a vision. Jesus spoke to Peter, telling
him to go with the men sent from the house of Cornelius (Acts
10). Ezekiel, a Jewish captive of Babylon, had visions of God
and was taken by the Spirit to Jerusalem (Ezekiel 8;3). Ezekiel
reported what he saw and heard, under the power of the Spirit,
thus the book of Ezekiel came to be.
In regards to dreams, God even gave dreams to
unbelievers such as Pharaoh (Genesis 41) and Nebuchadnezzar
(Daniel 2), King of Babylon. Under the power of the Holy Spirit,
Joseph and Daniel interpreted these dreams, which allowed them
to elevate to positions to power in Babylon and Egypt.
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of Daniel chapter 2, is foundational to
Bible prophecy. Daniel under the power of the Spirit was able
to tell the king his dream was and what it meant (Daniel 4:8).
God’s Word is revealed to us
A. God chooses who believes
The Bible is big book; the King James translation
for example has the following statistics,
books in the Bible: |
66 |
Chapters: |
1,189 |
31,101 |
783,137 |
3,566,480 |
the Bible is actually a library of scripture recorded over a
1500-year period. The Bible is more then just a book, the
contents are spiritual, which means not just anybody can
understand what it says.
Just as the Spirit of God revealed its word to the
prophets, the Spirit of God must reveal its contents to the
reader. Paul was a Pharisee of Pharisees (Acts 23:6) according
to his own words, he knew the words of the prophets, beyond
most, but until Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, Paul was in
darkness. Paul could not see Jesus as the Messiah revealed by
the prophets in the Old Testament, not until the Spirit of God
moved in his heart, when Jesus appeared to him on the road to
17 And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying
his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who
appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you
may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." 18
Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and
he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. 19
So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul
spent some days with the disciples at Damascus. 20 Immediately
he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of
God. 21 Then all who heard were amazed, and said, "Is this not
he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem, and
has come here for that purpose, so that he might bring them
bound to the chief priests?" 22 But Saul increased all the more
in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus,
proving that this Jesus is the Christ.
Acts 9:17-22
Notice Paul did not know who Jesus was before he met
him on the road. To Paul Jesus was a false Messiah, who had
misled Israel. After being filled with the Holy Spirit (vs.
17), Paul spent time with the disciples in Damascus, and he then
headed to the Synagogue. There, through the power of the Holy
Spirit, he confounded those who were formally allied with him,
proving Jesus is the Messiah of Israel.
Belief is depends on God
Paul is like me or you, just like Paul, God’s Spirit
allows us to see Jesus, without God’s Spirit, we are blind to
Jesus. Jesus is just another prophet or one of the many ways to
heaven. Knowing Jesus is not the work of human knowledge or
intelligence but the Spirit. Human knowledge and wisdom is
often hinders the work of the Spirit. Listen to what Jesus says
about, the knowledge of God, ask yourself, who is
hindered from this knowledge?
21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, "I
thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have
hidden these things from the wise and prudent and
revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed
good in Your sight. 22 "All things have been delivered to Me by
My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father,
and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the
Son wills to reveal Him."
Luke 10;21-22
The wise and prudent are those who are wise in the
wisdom of this world. While the babes referred to here are the
unlearned, those who lack in worldly wisdom. Further, we need
to understand, Christ is the one who reveals the identity of the
Father. Becoming dependent on the Holy Spirit is a sign of
growth, contrasted to those who depend on the flesh and their
own wisdom. Personal pride and glory prevent the seeker from
finding Christ. Notice God is the one who reveals Himself it
is not our doing.
44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me
draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6:44
26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise
according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are
called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world
to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of
the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; I
Corinthians 1:26-27
Therefore, if
we want to be used to the highest potential of our being, we
need to learn to be led by God’s spirit, and not our flesh or
earthly wisdom. The Greek word for wisdom used in
Luke 10:21
and I Cor. 1:26 is sophos, this is where we get our word
philosophy (philo-love sophos-wisdom).
C. Knowing the name Jesus is not enough
To know Jesus
requires the revelation by God’s Spirit. Many people in the
world might confess belief in Jesus, but professing belief does
not mean you believe. True belief is demonstrated by the
revealing of the Spirit, which then dwells inside the believer.
Jesus makes this very clear in John 3:3,6,9, the believer must be “Born again”,
which means being born of the Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit
dwelling in the believer there is no real belief.
5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one
is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of
God. 6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which
is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 "Do not marvel that I said to
you, 'You must be born again.'
John 3:5-7
This might be
hard concept for some to follow, think for a moment the name
Jesus is actually the anglicized way of pronouncing the
Greek translation of Hebrew name Joshua. The name Jesus
is Joshua in the Hebrew. Though today the name Jesus is
identified with the biblical Jesus, the Muslims, Mormons and
other cults also have a “Jesus”. A distinction must be made
between the biblical Jesus and the Jesus created by the flesh.
Though the Jesus of Islam and Mormonism have the same name, they
are different in nature. For example, the Muslim Jesus is
not the Son of God and he did not die on the cross. The
Mormon Jesus, is the brother of Satan, he married Mary,
Martha and Mary, and is one of many gods. Paul had to deal with
this very issue in the Church at Corinth; Paul refers to
“another Jesus” and a “different gospel”.
3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by
his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the
simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he who comes preaches
another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you
receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a
different gospel which you have not accepted-you may well
put up with it!
2 Cor. 11:3-4
For this very
reason Jesus warns on the day of Judgment, how many people will
be deceived by a “another Jesus”. He records His response, “I
never knew you” He will respond on that day. The sad part is
they thought they had truth, but the source of their truth was a
lie, they were in fact deceived by Satan, who appealed to their
flesh, they rejected the simplicity of the Gospel for a lie.
Jesus says about that day,
21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter
the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in
heaven. 22 "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have
we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name,
and done many wonders in Your name?' 23 "And then I will declare
to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who
practice lawlessness!'
Matthew 7:21-23
Many will claim
to have done things in the name of Jesus; however what they will
lack is relationship. Jesus says, “I never knew you”, in other
words there was never a relationship there. Even though
works were done in the name of Jesus, Jesus was not involved.
Their “Jesus” was not revealed by the Spirit, but by flesh, the
creation of men.
9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed
the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the
Spirit of Christ, he is not His.
Romans 8:9
The Holy Spirit and the revealed Word
The Authority of the Bible
How can we know
which Jesus to believe in? As mentioned earlier, the name Jesus
does not mean we are talking about the same person. The Jesus
of the Bible is identified with the Bible, while the Jesus of
Islam with the Quran. The Mormon Jesus is a creation of Joseph
Smith and the LDS church. Recently, the book The Da Vinci
Code, by Dan Brown, has reissued the Gnostic Jesus, selling
over 40 million copies; many readers might base their belief in
Jesus on the creation of Dan Brown. Regardless, one thing all
these groups have in common is the basis of their “Jesus”, he is
not found in the Bible, but the creation of individuals. People
who write under their own name and authority, create their own
The Bible on
the other hand claims ultimate authority; In Isaiah God warns of
the disaster for those who look to false sources of authority,
the end of their search is darkness, gloom and anguish.
19 And when they say to you, "Seek those who are mediums and
wizards, who whisper and mutter," should not a people seek their
God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To
the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to
this word, it is because there is no light in them...
22 Then they
will look to the earth, and see trouble and darkness, gloom of
anguish; and they will be driven into darkness..
Isaiah 8:19-20,22
The Bible
demonstrates it super-natural nature, proving the source of its
inspiration is from the God. Through Bible Prophecy, the Bible
foretold specific information about Jesus, proving the Jesus of
the New Testament is the Messiah. The Bible also demonstrates
it super-natural nature by proclaiming specific events in the
future, regarding Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people. (See
attached Chart)
To validate
Jesus is Messiah, Isaiah 700-years before His birth, foretold His
rejection and murder, calling him “Righteous servant” (Isaiah
53:11), who would die for the iniquity of all (Isaiah 53:6).
Daniel revealed the exact time of his death, 539-years before
His birth, in the Seventy-Weeks of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27). The
point is God provides evidence for those who seek evidence,
despite this, only through the Holy Spirit drawing of the soul,
can the person find Christ.
Once we
understand and trust the authority of the Bible, as the
revelation from God, to fallen and lost world, we can then tap
into the eternal power of Holy-Spirit.
How the Spirit uses the Bible
Once we come to the point of salvation, and we put
our trust in Jesus Christ, we then receive the gift of
Salvation; God’s Holy Spirit is then deposited in us as a
guarantee of the redemption to come (Ephesians 1:14). The Holy
Spirit dwelling inside us gives us direction, searching our
hearts, and moving us
26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we
do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit
Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind
of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints
according to the will of God.
Romans 8:26-27
Since the Bible is the Word of God, and the Word of God is
called the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17), we have a
weapon to wage war in the spiritual realms. Since the Holy
Spirit dwells in us, the Words in the Bible become our way of
understanding the will of God. The Spirit uses the Word for use
to know God’s will. By knowing the will of God, we can stay in
fellowship with God.
Nature |
Nature |
Results |
New Nature |
Old Nature |
nature dominates |
New Nature |
Old Nature |
nature dominates |
New Nature |
Old Nature |
conflict |
New Nature |
Old Nature |
Nature dominates |
One illustration, which demonstrates the dilemma facing
believers, both young and old is to understand the concept of
the new man and old man. Once we come to know
Christ, we have a new man or new nature because we are
Born Again. Even though we have a new nature, we still have
an old nature, or sin nature, which remains until this life is
over, and redemption is complete. We however have the ability to
control this nature.
These two natures fight each other, like two dogs in
locked room, each trying to dominate the other. Our flesh
mastery of the new man, while the new man seeks mastery
over the old man.
If we feed our new nature and starve our old nature
our new nature can then dominate, on the other had if we starve
the new nature and feed the old, then the old nature will
dominate and control our life.
How do feed and starve these natures?
The contrast between these two natures is best
pictured in the fruits of the spirit and the works of
the flesh, our job is to learn, through the Spirit to master
our weakness.
fruit of the
Spirit (Gal. 5;22-23) |
works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) |
outbursts of wrath,
selfish ambitions,
the Holy Spirit, we have power over our flesh. The Spirit
through the revealed word can show our new man how we should
interact in the world. Our fallen nature desires to fulfill the
lusts of the flesh, the Bible however is the light in the
darkness, to overcome the fallen nature.
3. Why the
world attacks the Bible
The Bible today
is a very controversial book in the eyes of the world, just its
possession in some countries could mean a death sentence.
While that is not the case in the United States, still the
presence of a Bible causes an uneasy feeling for some. Why is
this so?
The Bible
opposes and exposes the works of the flesh; the works of the
flesh operate in darkness, while the word of God is light.
Those who love the darkness hate the light, because the Bible
exposes the deeds of flesh.
19 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come
into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.20 "For everyone practicing evil
hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds
should be exposed. 21 "But he who does the truth comes to the
light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been
done in God."
John 3:19-20
One problem
people have with the Bible is it says actions are right or
wrong. The Bible also claims there are eternal consequences for
our actions and beliefs. The flesh is at war with the Spirit;
therefore, the Bible is at war with the works of the flesh.
Two ways the
world tries to subdue the power of the God’s word is by
diminishing it’s authority. One is to deny its authorship,
declaring the Bible is a book written by man alone. The second
is to misinterpret the words in the Bible. Answers to the
charges of skeptics, is dealt with in the field of
there is tremendous amount of evidence for those who want
evidence. The other issue is Bible interpretation or
hermeneutics, the Greek word for interpretation.
Does the Bible
mean what it says?
How many times
have you heard the phrase, “that is your interpretation”?
Since the Bible tears down the strongholds of the flesh, the
flesh tries to tear down the Bible. When the Bible confronts
issues in our life, or in the world, the world tries to diminish
its authority by attributing the issue as a matter of
interpretation. In this way, the issue is glazed over.
A popular issue
today is Homosexuality, is it right or is it wrong? Well saying
it’s a sin, can get you the title Homophobe in many circles.
The Bible clearly states it’s a sin, so the Bible is at odds
with the world. If its a sin, then why do many churches support
homosexuality and gay marriage? They respond its how you
interpret the scriptures. While not outright denying the Bible,
they claim to accept the Bible while at the same time denying
the authority of its words. They have fallen to the deception
of the enemy, Satan who has the goal of subverting God’s
authority, causing people to enter a Christ-less eternity.
To grow in the
Spirit, we need to submit our lives the words of the Spirit, the
Word of God. Unless we submit, we put a roadblock in the way of
the Spirit.
Description of Evidence |
Significance |
Super-natural nature |
of Abraham
Genesis 12:2-3
AbrahamWas promised to: * Be source for a great
nation Have a great name* All peoples on the earth
to Be blessed through Him. |
Genesis was written about 1450 BC by Abraham, was
just one ofMany people who lived on the Earth.
Today over ˝ the Earth’s 6 billion People claim a
connection to Abraham including Mslims, Jews and
Christians. Both Jews and Arab’s Claim Abraham as
the source their national identity. |
Muslims, Christians and Jews Claim descent and
connection to Abraham. This prophecy was written
Well before the growth of Christianity And Islam.
Abraham name became great after Christianity spread
100 AD and Islam after 632 AD. If 15 billion
people lived since the beginning of the Human race,
the odds Of one man have a name of world wide
Distinction is 1 out of 15 billion. If the Promise
was recorded 3400 years Before the event it is

Israel Scattered
Deuteronomy 28:64
years ago in the Bible Israel as a nation is told
they will be dispersed throughout the world and
suffer as a people for being Disobedient. |
times in Israel’s history they Were scattered as a
nation, first During the Babylonian captivity(605,
598 and 587 BC) Jer 51.Second,
during the time of Roman Occupation. 54 BC-638 AD |
a people to be scattered is a A common event
throughout historyAs one people group takes land
andSettles in territory belonging to another. Israel
as a nation is scattered and Gathered and then
scattered again. The condition of the people in
their Scattered condition is described in Detail,
yet they remain a distinct peopleIn the land of
their captivity |

Israel Gathered
Deuteronomy 30:3
years ago Israel is promised to be gathered back
into the land promised to Abraham after being
scattered.The gathering of Israel as a Nation from
the nations is repeated throughout the scriptures
Isaiah 11,
Isaiah 14:1-2,
Isaiah 56:8,
Jeremiah 30-31, Ezekiel 36-37,
Zechariah 10:6-12
... |
times Israel has been gathered, Once following the
Babylonian Captivity after the Persian defeat Of
Babylon in 539 BC by Cyrus. The second in our day
with the Creation of the state of Israel as Jews
from Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America
founded the state of Israel |
creation of the state of Israel was Result of two
world wars. First the Muslim powers were defeated
and Only after ˝ the world’s Jewish Population was
killed in the Holocaust Would the nations agree to
allowing A Jewish state to exist, in May 1948 Israel
came into existence the first time A Jewish state
existed in 2000 years. For a people to maintain
national Identity after 1900 years and to be
Gathered back into their land is Amazing enough…But
for the event To be written about even before they
Were a nation is super-natural. |

Jerusalem Focus Of World attention
Zechariah 12:3
foretellsJerusalem as the Center of worldwide
Attention |
are told that Jerusalem will Be a burden for the
world and the Object of conflict. The nations of the
World will be at war with the Descendents of Israel. |
˝ the Earth population view Jerusalem as spiritually
significant. 2500 years ago when Jerusalem was just
a small regional city Zechariah told about the
coming day when all then nations will burden
themselves with the possession of the city. |

Temple destroyed
destruction of the Jewish temple following The death
of Jesus was Foretold in
Daniel 9:26 And Matthew 24:2 |
70 AD the Roman empire destroys The Jewish Temple.
Every stone Was throne down as Roman soldiers Looked
for melted gold. The destruction of the Temple
along each stone being Taken down was recorded 600
years Before this event, Messiah was to Be cut off.
years before the event we are told about the
destruction following the cutting off of the
Messiah. Jesus claimed to be Messiah and as a
result 2 billion people,1/3 of the earth’s
population are connected to the city of Jerusalem.
How Daniel could know the details of the Temple’s
destruction as well as it being Connected with the
Messiah being “Cut Off” is super-natural. |

Jews from Ethiopia Gathered.
the Second gathering Jews living in Ethiopia are
Foretold to be gathered to Israel ,2700 years ago
in Isaiah 11:11 this gathering was written about. |
Operation Solomon in 1980 and Exodus in 1991 rescued
Jews living in Ethiopia from extermination and
persecution. The Jews there have been traced back
over 2000 years ago. |
Isaiah 11:11
specifically mentions Jews From Cush (Ethiopia) as
part of the Gathering from the nations. 2700 years
Before the event |

Exact month & year Messiah is killed.70 Weeks of
is a very specific prophecy foretelling the
rejection and cutting off of Messiah 570 years
before the event. Daniel 9:24-27 |
70 weeks of Daniel foretells the Exact time Messiah
would be cut-off. Following a 483 year period (69
Weeks) after a command to rebuild The walls and
streets of Jerusalem Was given to Nehemiah. |
Christian faith is the largest faith in The World
and centers on the Messiah Being killed for the sins
of the world. 570 before the death of Jesus, Daniel
foretold the exact time of Messiah being cut-off
with the Temple’s destruction following his death.