Christian understanding of the Messiah (Christ) of the Hebrew Bible (Old
Testament) is based on what prophets proclaimed about Messiah. The
objections often raised by Jews, regarding the Christian understanding
of the Hebrew Scriptures is the charge of incorrect interpretation and
Does Jesus
Christ fulfill the prophecies of the Jewish Prophets? When reading the
New Testament Gospels, particularly Matthew, one cannot help, but read
about Jesus, and the gospel writer’s claim of fulfillment, of prophecies
written, hundreds of years before his birth. Were these prophets writing
about Jesus?
The prophets of the
Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) wrote as God revealed the words to them
about the person of Messiah. They reveled qualifiers, such as “Son of
David” (2nd Samuel
7:13) “Bethlehem…Out
of you” (Micah 5:2) and “Jerusalem: Behold, your King….riding on a
donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). These qualifiers allowed Israel to distinguish
the “True Messiah” from false messiahs. Anybody could claim to be
messiah, but without meeting the qualifiers, they became disqualified
from their claim.
Just with a few
qualifiers, most of the earth’s population could be eliminated from the
pool of humanity, as a potential Messiah.
Qualifiers |
of false-messiah’s |
“Son of Man” |
50% of the
population eliminated |
Bethlehem |
99.99% of
the earth population |
“Son of
David” |
99.9999% of
the earth population |
Before the 2nd
Temple destruction. |
of the earth’s population eliminated. |
Messianic Prophecy
Through the
revelation of scripture, God painted a picture of Messiah for the
nation. Sometimes these pictures clearly state Messiah
in the text, other times, there are clues within the context of the
scripture, allowing us to know Messiah is referent. For example, “Son
of David” is clearly a Messianic reference based on the revelation
the Messiah would be a “Son of David”. In the same way, when Zechariah
9:9 refers to, “Jerusalem…your
King” and then in the following verse, Zechariah
9:10 says, “His
dominion shall be 'from sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of
the earth.”, we can know the
reference to the king in verse 9 is the Messiah. Because, we know from
scripture, the Messiah will be king of the earth, ruling over the
nations. Thus, we can logically conclude, this verse is messianic.

Through prophecy and scripture, God prepared the world for the coming of
the Messiah, who would pay for the sins of the world through his death,
and then reign over the world. Through scripture, God paints pictures
and concepts of Messiah. These concepts and pictures (types) allow us
to see God’s pattern of redemption, before redemption occurs. For
example, the need of redemption by a kinsman-redeemer is answered in the
book of Job and Ruth. Other types such as the Passover, The
Akida (The binding of Isaac), the Brazen Serpent, the
Scapegoat and the life of Joseph illustrate pictures of the
coming redemption, through Messiah.
God paints
messianic concepts illustrated by events, completed by Messiah. For
example, Job looks forward to the coming of his “Redeemer” (lag
meaning kinsman-redeemer, someone near of kin to Job, who would pay his
debt. He (the Redeemer) will allow him to see God, even after worms
destroy his eyes and flesh. The concept of redemption is here
associated with Messiah. This concept of Redemption, answers the Jewish
objection to the nature of Messiah.
Where in scripture does it show the Redeemer/Messiah, needs to be God?
Throughout scripture, the Lord is called Redeemer
meaning kinsman-redeemer. In order to be our kinsman, God must also be
“Son of Man”, hence the need for the incarnation as illustrated in
scripture. Being “Son of God” (Psalm 2:2,7,12) and “Son of Man” (Daniel
7:13) allows
Messiah to redeem humanity from their bankrupt state.
Job, we see the longing for redemption and its association with
resurrection. In the book of Ruth, Ruth, a woman from
Moab, marries an
Israelite whose family came from
After the death of her husband, Ruth the Moabite women returns with her
mother-in-law Naomi back to
Bethlehem. In
Bethlehem, Ruth and Naomi are destitute because both Naomi’s husband,
Elimelech and her son, who married Ruth, died in Moab. This introduces
Boaz, a near-kinsman of Elmelech, and as a kinsman he has the right of
redemption, being the “Redeemer” (lag
of Elimelech’s
estate, Naomi dead husband. Boaz redeems Elimelech, he also
marries Ruth as part of the redemption law. Ruth, the Moabite women,
gives birth to Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David. In the
line of David, the Moabite women, Ruth is redeemed and becomes part of
the blood line of Messiah.
Job declares the
role of redemption Messiah will play, and the book of Ruth illustrates
and applies this messianic concept of redemption. Bankrupt Naomi and her
daughter-in-law, Ruth are redeemed by their near-kinsman-redeemer, Boaz.
Ruth then becomes the progenitor David’s family line, and thus in the
line of Messiah, since Messiah would be a “Son of David” and David was
Ruth’s great grandson.
The Messiah, is our
(Ga’al) kinsman-redeemer, but to be a kinsman he must be a “Son
of Man”, and thus have the right of redemption. Therefore, when
scripture refers to the LORD as our Redeemer it is referring to the role
the Messiah would play being both “Son of God” and “Son of Man”.
says the Lord, the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, the Lord of
hosts: 'I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God.
Isaiah 44:24
For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name; And
your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the
whole earth. Isaiah 54:5
also illustrates the Messiah by using types or pictures. For example,
Isaac carried the wood to the top of Moriah, for his sacrifice. His
obedience to his father Abraham, and the ram caught in the thicket,
serves as an illustration of “Suffering Messiah” of scripture.
These types peppered throughout scripture, set the pattern latter
fulfilled by Messiah. Within these types, scripture answers Jewish
objections to the atoning work of the “Suffering Messiah”
Passover Lamb 
The blood of another man cannot pay for sins of another person.
Scripture illustrates blood covering in the story of Passover, the
blood of the spotless lamb was placed over the door, as a covering to
those in the house as death of the firstborn “Passed Over”. In the same
way, the blood of Messiah covers our sin, so the penalty of death passes
over. This is illustrated in Isaiah 53 as the Messiah’s death pays for
our sins.
Passover Lamb (Exodus 12), is a picture demonstrating the need for
sacrifice. The need for a spotless lamb, pictures a “Sinless” Messiah.
The blood of the lamb illustrates the effect of Messiah’s death. How his
blood covers our sins.
If the blood of a
lamb, could cover the sins of Hebrews from the judgment of God against
Egypt, why
can’t the blood of sinless Messiah do the same? Jesus Christ illustrates
the fulfillment of Passover in his life and death. He is our Passover
Lamb (Exodus 12) |
(Jesus) |
Sinless |
Lamb (Exodus 12:5) |
Righteous Servant (Isaiah 53:11) |
Sex |
Lamb or Goat |
Man of
sorrows (Isaiah 53:5) |
Blood |
blood of the lamb covered the occupants of the house from
judgment. (Exodus 12:22-23) |
bore “iniquity
of us all” (Isaiah 53:6) |
Time of
Death |
slaughtered at twilight, Friday (Exodus 12:6) |
hung on the cross from the 6th Hour to 9th
hour Friday (Matthew 27:45-46) |
Day |
The 14th
of Nissan, Passover |
died on Friday, the day of preparation (Matthew 27:62) |

The Brazen Serpent
Faith alone could not be enough to take away sins.
Israelites who were bitten by poisonous snakes could be healed by
looking at the brass snake made by Moses, this required both obedience
and faith. Israel needed to be obedient and look at the brass snake, in
same way, a person must trust the Lord for their salvation, in the
Messiah who hung on a cross for their sins.
example, is the Brazen Serpent (Numbers 21:4-9, John 3;14) which
pictures the crucifixion. The Lord punished
Israel for rebellion
against Moses and God, by sending fiery serpents, to sting the people;
as a result, they died from the poison. After the people pleaded to
Moses, God instructed Moses to make a Brass Serpent and put it on
a stick. Who ever was stung, could look to the brazen serpent and
receive healing. Jesus referring to this event, said
14 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must
the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 "that whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have eternal life. John 3:14-15
Brazen Serpent was a picture of the Messiah who was lifted up on a
stick, “The Cross”, would heal those bitten by the poison of sin.
Israel rebelled against God, and only by being obedient and believing
God, could they find healing. They needed to turn to the Brass Serpent
if they wished healing. In the same way, man must turn to Messiah
(Christ) who was lifted up on the stick (the Cross) if they want healing
from the poison of sin.
The Scapegoat
“How can the
death of one man pay for the sins of others, each person is responsible
for their own sins?”
If the sins can be
atoned for by the death of a goat whose blood is sprinkled on the mercy
seat, and the sins of the nation can be released into the wilderness by
confessing them on a goat released into the wilderness, why can’t the
sins of the world be paid for by a righteous Messiah?
An objection
presented regarding the Christian concept of atonement by the death of
Messiah, is the idea of the “Messiah dying” for the sins of others.
Here the concept of atonement is presented in the picture of the two
goats on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) in Leviticus 16.
8 "Then Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats: one lot for the Lord
and the other lot for the scapegoat. 9 "And Aaron shall bring the goat
on which the Lord's lot fell, and offer it as a sin offering. 10 "But
the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented
alive before the Lord, to make atonement upon it, and to let it go as
the scapegoat into the wilderness. Leviticus 16:8-9
One goat
would die for the sins of the children of Israel, his blood (the goat)
was to be sprinkled on the Mercy Seat behind the veil, in the
Holy of Holies. The other goat was let into the wilderness after
the sins of
Israel were
confessed on goat, as the high priest, placed his hands on the head of
the goat. The goat was then let loose into the wilderness to bear the
sins of Israel.
21 "Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess
over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all
their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the
head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand
of a suitable man. 22 "The goat shall bear on itself all their
iniquities to an uninhabited land; and he shall release the goat in
the wilderness. Leviticus 16:21-22
Here in scripture
God illustrates the idea of substitution for the atonement of sin. The
picture of the two goats in Leviticus 16 begs the questions.
How could a goat pay
for the sins of entire nation?
How could a goat,
let loose into the wilderness carry the sins of the nation?
If a goat can bear
the sins of a nation, why can’t a sinless righteous man? In Isaiah, we
are presented with just such a proposition.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we
esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But He was
wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The
chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are
healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one,
to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:4-6
Here we see the
importance of Messianic concepts presented in the Torah (5 books of
Moses), only to receive a greater fulfillment later in scripture. The
concept, answers the charge of atonement of sins, through the death the
righteous Messiah, verses the death of a goat. The Messiah carries our
grief and sorrow into the wilderness, the Messiah is wounded for our
sins, like the two goats before the High Priest, the Messiah is our
The Akida (The
The idea of the “Only begotten Son of God” dying for the sins of
mankind is not a biblical concept.
Answer: Two thousand
years before Yeshua, God instructed Abraham to take his “Only” son Isaac
to the top of Mt. Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice. Through Abraham,
God illustrated the picture of Messiah, who being a “Son of Man” and
“Son of God” was our sacrifice for sin, on the same location, 2000 after
Isaac provided the first picture.
The word,
dq[ `aqad
in Hebrew means to bind or tie. This is in reference to the Isaac
willing to offer himself as a sacrifice, in obedience to his father
Abraham. This event is referred to daily in Jewish prayers services,
and is a focal point of rabbinic thought. The event of Isaac’s binding
is pictorial of the coming of Messiah, who would fulfill what Isaac
Isaac/Abraham (Genesis 22) |
Jesus/God |
Son |
Abraham is
instructed to take his “Only son” Isaac to Mt. Moriah. (Genesis
22;2) |
Jesus is
called the “Only begotten Son” (John 3:16) |
Sacrifice |
In a test of
faith, Abraham is instructed to offer his only son as a
sacrifice. (Genesis 22:2) |
Jesus was
offered by God as a sacrifice for sin. (John 3;14,17) |
Location |
Abraham was
told to take his son, Isaac to the Mountains of Moriah. Mt.
Moriah is the location of the Temple, first built by Solomon.
Mt. Moriah/Jerusalem |
In the
vicinity of
outside the Temple walls, Jesus was crucified. (Matthew
27:21-22) |
Carrying the
Wood |
carried the wood up the mountain, to his sacrifice (Genesis
22;6) |
carried cross beam for the Cross, to the place of his sacrifice.
(John 19:17-18) |
Obedience |
By all
accounts Isaac was a grown man about at this point of his life.
He was obedient to his father, who was told to offer him as a
22;9) |
Jesus was
obedient, obeying the father and offering Himself as a
sacrifice. (Matthew 26;39) |
Age |
By all
accounts Isaac was about 37 years of age at this point. |
Jesus began
his ministry when he was about 30, so Jesus would have been
between 33 to 37 years of age. (Luke 3;23) |
God provides the Sacrifice. |
passed the test, God prevented the sacrifice from taking place.
God then provided a ram caught in the thicket. (Genesis 22:9) |
Jesus was
the sacrifice God provided for the sins of man, caught on the
cross. |
Life of Joseph as an illustration of Messiah

If Jesus was Messiah, the Jewish people would have never rejected him!
The life of the
“Suffering Messiah” is pictured in the life of Joseph, who was rejected
by his brothers and sold into slavery. In the same way, scripture
pictures the rejection of Messiah, rejected by
Israel sold for 30
pieces of silver.
Through the life of
Joseph the Lord illustrates the picture of Messiah. The Messiah was to
be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Genesis 49:10, Numbers
24:17) In Judaism, they look for the coming of two Messiahs, Son of
David and Son of Joseph. Messiah ben (son) Joseph
suffers and dies only to be resurrected by the Messiah ben (son) of
through tradition has missed the two-fold picture of Messiah pictured in
the life of Joseph. When the sons of Jacob first saw Joseph they did
not recognize him as Joseph, its only when Joseph revealed himself to
his brothers did they see the “First” Joseph and the “Second” Joseph
were the same Joseph. In the same way, the descendents of Jacob did not
recognize Messiah when he appeared the “First” time, but he will reveal
Himself to the sons of Jacob the “Second” time.
The life
of Joseph is another pictorial or type of the life of Messiah,
ultimately to be fulfilled in the person of Yeshua Ha Messiah
(Jesus the Messiah)
Joseph (Genesis 37-50) |
Jesus |
Bad Report |
Joseph gave
a bad report of his brothers to his father. (Genesis 37:2) |
condemned the practices of the Chief priests, Sadducees,
Pharisees and scribes. (Matthew 23) |
Hatred |
Joseph was
hated and envied by his brothers. (Genesis 37:4) |
Jesus was
hated and envied by the Chief Priests, Pharisees and scribes.
(Matthew 27:18) |
Pictured as
ruling over his brothers. |
Joseph told
his brothers and family of his dream picturing him ruling over
them. (Genesis 37:5-11) |
informed the High Priest he would see the “Son of Man” coming in
glory and power. (Matthew 26;64-66) |
Rejected his
dominion |
brothers rejected Joseph ruling over them. (Genesis 37:8) |
The Chief
Priest rejected Jesus ruling over them. (Matthew 26:66-68) |
Plot of
death |
Joseph is
sent to his brothers, who see him in the distance and plot his
death. (Genesis 37:19) |
The Chief
Priest, and rulers plot the death of Jesus. (Matthew 26:14) |
Suffering |
Joseph upon
coming to his brothers is stripped, mocked and put in a pit.
(Genesis 37:23-24) |
Jesus after
being rejected by the High Priest, is stripped, beaten and
mocked (Matthew 27:28-30) |
Sold by
Judah |
betrays his brother, by selling him to the Ishmaelites for 20
pieces of Silver. (Genesis 37:27-28) |
the remaining tribe after the Babylonian and Assyrian
captivities turns Jesus over to the Romans. |
Sold for
silver |
sells Joseph for 20 pieces of silver. (Genesis 37:28) |
Judas sells
Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 26;15) |
name |
the fourth on of Jacob betrayed and sold Joseph |
Judas is the
same name as Judah. |
Rejected by
a brother |
was Joseph’s brother, one of the 12 brothers. |
Judas was
one of the 12 disciples who spent three years with Jesus, like a
brother. |
used Goat’s blood in his place |
In place of
Joseph, the sons of Jacob dipped his coat in the blood of a
goat, representing the blood as Joseph’s (Genesis 37:31) |
The tribes
of Jacob, were instructed to sacrifice the blood of animals for
their sins. This was until Messiah came, who was pictured in
sacrifice. |
from false accusations and slander |
Joseph as a
slave, in
was falsely accused and slandered by the Egyptians. (Genesis
39:17-19) |
Jesus was
falsely accused by the High-Priest and others. (Matthew
26:59-61) |
Exalted to
become savior of Egypt |
Joseph was
elevated by Pharaoh to be the savior of Egypt. (Genesis 41) |
rejected by the Jews, was accepted by the Gentiles as savior.
Honored but
unknown to his brothers. |
As Joseph
was honored by the Egyptians/Gentiles he was unknown to his
brothers, being considered as dead.
42:7-8) |
Jesus is
honored by the Gentiles, but virtually unknown to the Jews his
brothers, being considered dead. |
Concealed |
brothers did not recognize Joseph the first time they saw him,
being about age 30(Genesis 42:7-8) |
Jesus was
not recognized by the Jews at his first coming, being about age
30. |
Revealed |
revealed himself to his brothers the when they were alone.
(Genesis 45:7) |
Jesus at his
second coming will be revealed to Israel. (Matthew 23:38-39 ;
26:64 |