the Prophet's day, numbers of Christians in
were not only an ignorant people, but belonged to
heretical Sects, which, on account of their dangerous
influence, had been expelled from the
Roman Empire, and thus had taken refuge beyond the
border land. They had hardly any acquaintance with the
Gospel or Apostolic writings, but were conversant with
heretical books and the extravagant tales they
contained. Now our argument is that Mohammed having but
an imperfect knowledge of the Gospel, learned from these
people, who were all around him, what he believed to be
the purport of the New Testament. It was his object to
establish a faith which should embrace and unite all
races of the
and the Christians among the rest. He therefore entered
in the Koran very much of the teaching and vain
imaginations of these ignorant sects. It is our object
carefully to test whether this proposition is true, -
that is, whether it be the case that such stories form
one of the Sources of the Koran or not; and that we
propose to make the subject of the pre sent chapter.
The tale as given in the Koran is quoted in full below.'
It is one of Greek origin to be found in a
Surah 18 8-26.
Dost thou consider that the Companions of the Cave,
and al Rakim, were one of our signs and a great miracle?
When the young men took refuge in the Cave, they said, O
Lord, grant us mercy from before Thee, and dispose our
business for us to a right issue. Wherefore we struck
their ears so that they slept in the Cave for a great
number of years: then we awakened them....We will relate
unto thee their history with truth. They were young men
who had believed in their Lord; and we had abundantly
directed them; and we fortified their hearts with
constancy when they stood before the judge; and they
said Our Lord is the Lord of heaven and earth; we will
by no means call on any god besides him; for then we
should surely utter an extravagance....And they said to
one another, When ye shall separate yourselves from
them, and from that which they worship besides God, then
fly into the Cave: your Lord will pour his mercy upon
you abundantly and dispose your business to advantage.
And thou mightest have seen the sun, when it had risen
to decline from their Cave to the right hand, and when
it went down, to leave them on the left hand: and they
were in the spacious part of the Cave. This was one of
the signs of God....And thou wouldest have judged them
to have been awake, while they were sleeping; and we
caused them to turn themselves to the right hand and to
the left. And their dog stretched forth his fore-legs in
the mouth of the Cave; if thou hadst come suddenly upon
them, verily thou wouldst have turned thy back and fled
from them, and thou wouldst have been filled with fear
at the sight of them. And so we awaked them out of their
sleep, that they might ask questions of one another. One
of them said, How long have ye tarried here? They
answered, We have tarried a day, or part of a day.
Others said: Your Lord best knoweth the time ye have
tarried. And now send one of you with this your money
into the City, and let him see which of its people hath
the best and cheapest food, and let him bring you
provision from him; and let him behave circumspectly,
and not discover you to anyone. Verily, if they come up
against you, they will stone you, or force you to return
to their religion; and then shall you not prosper for
ever. And so we made their people acquainted with what
had happened to them....And they said, Erect a Chapel
over them; their Lord best knoweth their condition....
Some say the Sleepers were three, and their dog was the
fourth; others say they were five, and their dog the
sixth, guessing at a secret matter; and others say they
were Seven, and their dog the eigth.Say, My Lord best
knoweth their numbers; none shall know them except a
few. Wherefore dispute not concerning them, unless with
a clear disputation, and ask not any (of the Christians)
concerning them....And they remained in their Cave 300
years and 9 years over.
Latin work of Gregory of Tours,' and may be described in
brief as referring to the age of the Emperor Decius
(249-251 A.D.), when Christians were terribly
persecuted, and every endeavor made to destroy the
Faith. To escape with their lives, seven men of Ephesus
took refuge in a Cave near their city, and fell asleep
for two hundred years, till the reign of Theodorus II.
(447 A.D.). On awaking, one of them ventured into the
City to see what in the interval had happened, and was
overcome with amazement to find the Christian faith
triumphant over all other religions. The Cross, once the
sign of shame and disgrace, now the crown of the
Emperor, and the mark of Empire; and nearly the whole
people of the land turned Christians. All this is of
course a mere story, composed no doubt to illustrate the
rapidity with which, by the grace of the Holy Spirit and
shedding of Martyrs' blood, the Faith had gained
ascendancy at the last. No Christian ever dreamt that
the tale was true; but such as the nurse tells her
children of "the cat and the mouse," etc. But the
Prophet has entered it with all gravity in the Koran for
the instruction of his followers. Is it needful for us
to add that such a tale could never have been placed by
the Most High upon the heavenly Table, and from thence
sent down to the Prophet; but was learned by him from
some of the ignorant Christians around him?
The History
of Mary.
- In Surah Mariam we are told that after the birth of
the Holy Child, the people came to her and said, O
Mary, now hast thou done a strange thing; O sister of
Aaron, thy father was not a bad man, neither was thy
mother a wicked woman.(Surah 19:28-29)
According to Mohammed, therefore, Mary (Miriam) was the
sister of Aaron, Moses' brother; which is all the
plainer as elsewhere she is named Mary daughter of
Imran (Surah 25:37) and again, We
gave unto Moses the Book, and appointed him his brother
Aaron as Vizier.(Surah 66:12, Surah 3:31)
Hence it is clear that Imran, Moses, Aaron, and Mary
(Mariam) are the same persons as are so named in the
Torah - excepting only that in the Hebrew the name of
the first is Amram; and in( Numbers 26. 59)
we are told that "the name Of Amram's wife was
Jochebed the daughter of Levi, Who was born to Levi in
Egypt, and she bare unto Amram, Aaron and Moses and
Miriam their sister"; and also in( Exodus 15.
20) we read of "Miriam (Mary) the prophetess,
the sister of Aaron." Now looking to the words in
the Koran above quoted: O Mary! O sister of Aaron,
it is quite evident that Mohammed is speaking of Mary
the sister of Aaron." and daughter of Imran, as the same
Mary who, some 1570 years after, became the
mother of our blessed Savior! The Commentators have in
vain endeavored to explain this marvelous confusion .of
time and space. One attempt may be set down to the
fabulous Jewish story regarding Mary the sister of
Aaron, that "the angel of death had no power over her,
that she passed away with the kiss of the Lord, and that
no insect or worm could touch her person" -- A strange
conceit this: nor have any of the Jews ever said that
she survived to the Christian era.
regards Mary the mother of Jesus, we find many passages
in the Koran opposed to the Four Gospels, and taken
evidently from the Apocryphal writings of the heretical
sects. For example, the following is from (Surah
iii. vv. 31 and 32)
the wife of Imran said, O Lord, I have presented unto
Thee that which is in my womb as dedicated to thy
service. Accept it, therefore, from me; for thou art he
that both heareth and knoweth. So when she was delivered
of the child, she said, O I,ord, truly I have brought
forth a female (and God knoweth what she had brought
forth), and a male is not as a female. I have called her
Mary; and I commend her unto thee, and her issue,
against Satan the stoned one. Whereupon the Lord
accepted her with a gracious acceptance, and caused her
to bear art excellent offspring. And Zacharias took care
of the child; and as often as Zacharias entered the
chamber unto her, he found provisions laid beside her,
and he said, O Mary, whence hast thou this? She
answered, This is from God; for the Lord provideth for
whom he pleaseth without measure.
read also in Beidhawi and other Commentators that
Imran's wife, who was aged and barren, one day saw a
bird feeding its little ones, and at once longed for a
child herself, and cried: - O Lord, if thou wilt give me
either a son or a daughter, I will present it unto Thee
in the Temple,
Holy House. The Lord heard her prayer; she conceived and
bore a daughter, whom she called Mary. Jelal ood Deen
also tells us that some years after, Mary's mother,
called Hanna, taking the child to the Temple, made her
over to the priests, who in their turn made her over to
Zacharias to take care of; and he placed her in a
chamber shut off from anyone else to enter. But the
angels came there to tend and nourish her.
Again, we read in the same
Surah, vv. 37-42:Now
when the angels said, O Mary, verily God hath chosen
thee, and purified thee, and hath chosen thee over all
the women of the world: O Mary, be devout towards thy
Lord, and worship, and bow down with those who bow down.
This is a secret history. We reveal it unto thee,
although thou wast not present with them when they cast
their rods as to which of them should have the education
of Mary; nor wast thou with them when they strove among
themselves. When the angels said, O Mary, verily God
sendeth thee good tidings regarding the Word from
himself; his name is Jesus the Messiah son of Mary
honourable, in this world and in that to come, and one
of those that approach nigh to the Almighty. And he
shall speak unto men in the cradle, and when he is grown
up, and he shall be one of the righteous. She said,
Lord, how shall I have a son, since no man hath touched
me. He said:-- Thus the Lord createth that which he
pleaseth. When he decreeth a thing, he but saith unto
it, -- Be, and it is.
notice here given of the "casting of rods" is
thus explained by Beidhawi and Jelal ood Deen.
Zecharias with six and twenty other priests who sought
to have the charge of Mary, went to the river, in order
to choose which should be the favoured one, and cast
their rods Into it. All sank but that of Zacharias, who
thus became Mary's guardian. Regarding all this we read
Surah 19 vs. 16-31,
as follows:
in the Book make mention of Mary, when she retired from
her people to a place towards the East, and took a veil,
apart from them. And we sent unto her our Spirit, who
appeared unto her as a real man. She said, I flee for
refuge from thee unto the Merciful, if thou fearest the
Lord. He answered:
Verily I am the Messenger of thy Lord that I may give
unto thee a holy Son. She said, How shall I have a son,
for no man hath touched me, and I am no harlot. He said,
So shall it be. Thy Lord saith, This is easy with me,
and we shall make him a sign unto mankind, and a mercy
from us; for it is a thing decreed. Whereupon she
conceived him, and retired with him (in her womb) to a
distant place; and the pains of childbirth came upon her
by the trunk of a palm-tree. She said, Would to God I
had died before this, and had become a thing forgotten,
lost in oblivion! And one from beneath her called out:
Grieve not: verily thy Lord hath provided a rivulet
under thee; and do thou shake the body of the palm-tree,
and it shall Iet fall upon thee ripe dates ready
gathered; so do thou eat and drink, and comfort thine
eyes. Moreover, if thou' seest any man, say, I have
vowed a fast unto the Merciful, and I will speak to no
man this day. So she came to her people, carrying the
child in her arms.They said, O Mary, thou hast done a
strange thing: O sister of Aaron, thy father was not a
bad man, neither was thy mother a harlot. Then she made
signs to the child. They said, - How shall we speak to
an infant in the cradle? Whereupon the child said,
Verily I am the servant of God: He hath given me the
Book and hath made me a prophet.
Such, then, are the tales regarding the Virgin Mary
which we find in the Koran and ancient Moslem
Commentators. From whence did such strange fictions
come? Clearly not from the true Gospel; but nearly all
of them from the schismatic writings of ignorant men,
spread abroad in ancient times amongst a people given to
wild fictitious stories. To prove this, we now give full
and satisfactory evidence. In the Protevangelium of
James the Less, written in Hellenic Greek, we have
the following:-
looking upwards to the heavens, saw a sparrow in its
nest, and sighed saying, O me! O me! Would it, vere the
same with me. O me! to what thing am I alike? Not like
unto the birds of heaven, for the birds of heaven are
fruitful before thee, O Lord....And lo! an angel of the
Lord from above spake thus unto her: Anna, Anna! the
Lord God hath heard thy cry, and thy seed shall be
spoken of over the whole earth. Anna said, As the Lord
my God liveth, if a child, either male or female, be
born unto me, I will offer it as a gift to the Lord my
God, and it will be in his service all the days of its
life....And when her full time had come in the ninth
month, Anna was delivered....And she gave the breast to
the child and called its name Mary.
an Arabic apocryphal book, called the History of our
holy Father the Aged, the Carpenter (Joseph), there
is given the following account of Mary as a child. Her
parents took her to the
when three years old, and she remained there nine years.
Then when the Priests saw that the Holy Virgin had grown
up, they spoke among themselves, - Let us call a
righteous man, one that fears the Lord, to take charge
of Mary till the time of her marriage, that she may not
remain in the
But before that time when her parents brought her, a new
occasion had arisen, of which we read as follows in the
Priest accepted the child, and having kissed and blessed
her, spake thus to her:-- May the Lord glorify thy name
over all the races on the face of the_earth. The Lord
God will in the latter days manifest to thee the ransom
of the house of Israel. And Mary remained like a dove in
of the Lord, and received food at an angel's hand. And
when she was twelve years of age, the Priests came
together saying:-See now, Mary is twelve years old, and
still in the Temple of the Lord; what then shall we do
with her?....And behold an angel of the Lord stood
beside him and said: -- Zacharias, Zacharias! come
forth, and bring together all the widowers of thy
people, and let each carry his rod, and whom the Lord
God will signify, his wife shall she be. And the criers
went over the whole
Judea, and Proclaimed it by the trumpet of the Lord, and
all flocked together; and Joseph also carrying his rod
hurried to the Synagogue. So having come together, they
went to the Priest, who, gathering all their rods, went
into the Temple and prayed. Having finished the prayer,
he came forth, and gave to each man his rod, but upon
none of them was there any mark. Joseph's rod came to
him last of all. lo! a dove came out of the rod, and sat
upon Joseph's head. Then the Priest said to him: - Thou
hast been chosen to take the Virgin of the Lord; take
her therefore under thy protection…
Mary, taking a pitcher went forth to fill it with water;
and lo! a voice saying, - "Hail thou highly favoured
one: the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among
women." And she looked to the right and to the left to
see whence the voice came; trembling she returned to the
house, and putting down the pitcher, sat upon her
seat....And lo, the angel of the Lord from over her
cried, "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favour with
the Lord and shalt conceive by his word." Mary hearing
it~ became anxious in her soul, saying, Am I to
conceive, as every woman doth, and bring forth? And the
angel said unto her: - "Not thus, Mary, for the power of
the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore that Holy
Child shall be called the Son of Highest, and thou shalt
call his name Jesus"
Anyone reading the above will see that it gives a close
account of Mary's residence in the Holy Temple. We have
pretty much the Same in other books, such as the
following from the Coptic book on the Virgin Mary:-
Coptic History of the Virgin
placed by Hanna in the Temple, Mary was fed there like
the doves, as the angels of the Lord brought her food
from the heavens. When she worshipped the Lord in the
Temple, they did reverence to her, and often brought her
fruit from the Tree of Life, which she did eat with
cheerfulness. ....Mary
lived in the Temple, a pure and holy worshipper, till
twelve years of age. She had been her first three years
in her parents' home, and nine years in the Temple. Then
the Priests seeing that she was growing up a virtuous
and God-fearing maiden, consulted together, saying:- "We
must seek for a righteous God-fearing man to whom she
may be given in marriage." And so having summoned the
tribe of Judah together, they chose twelve men according
to the names of each of the twelve tribes of Israel, and
the lot came out upon that good old man Joseph.
(Story of
Joseph’s dream)
when she became with child, Mary was summoned with
Joseph before the High priest, who thus addressed her:-O
Mary, what is this thou hast done, and debased thy.
soul: thou who in the Holy of holies feddest from the
hand of an angel, and heardest their hymns what is this
thou hast done? Weeping bitterly she answered:- By the
living God I swear that I am pure before him and have
known no man. (Protoevangelium)
After that we have the account of Joseph and Mary
leaving Nazareth for Bethlehem, where they rested in a
cave, and there Jesus was born:-
Joseph having found a cavern, brought Mary into it....
And he tells us:-- I looked up to the heavens, and saw
the heavenly vault standing still, and the birds of the
air trembling; then looking down upon the earth, I
beheld a dish laid, and the workers sitting at meat
around it, their hands therein, yet not taking out
anything, or putting a morsel to their mouths, but their
faces all looking upwards. And~I saw sheep being driven,
but they stood still, and the shepherd raised his crook
to strike them, but his hand remained raised. And by the
bed of the river I saw kids with their mouths as it were
touching the water, but stopped from drinking. All
things in rear and alarm. 1
Referring now to what is told us in a quotation from the
Koran given above, regarding Mary, the Palm-tree, etc.,
we give an extract from an apocryphal book called the
History of the Nativity of Mary and the Savior’s
on the third day after she had set out, Mary was wearied
in the desert by the heat, and asked Joseph to rest for
a little under the shade of a palm-tree. So he made
haste and made her sit down beneath it. Then Mary
looking up and seeing its branches laden with fruit,
said, - I desire if It were possible to have some of
that fruit. Joseph answered:-- I wonder at what thou
sayest, since thou must see how lofty the branches of
the palm-tree are; and besides, I am anxious to get
water. for all in my vessel is done, and there is none
anywhere t to fill it with. Just then the child Jesus,
looking up with a cheerful smile from his mother's
bosom, said to the palm-tree:-- Send down thy branches
here below, that my Mother may eat fresh fruit of thee.
Forthwith it bent itself at Mary's feet, and so they all
ate of its fruit. When they had gathered all the fruit,
it still remained bent, waiting for orders to arise.
Then Jesus said:- O palm-tree, arise with cheerfulness,
be one of my Father's trees in Paradise; but with thy
roots open the fountain beneath thee; and bring me here
for my refreshment some of the water flowing from that
fount. At once the tree became erect, and began to pour
from its roots water beautifully clear and sweet before
them. So when they saw the water, they were all filled
with delight, and drank of it with their cattle, and
servants, till they were satisfied and praised the Lord
Between this story, as told here and in the Koran, there
is just this divergence, that with the latter the
Palm-tree appears at the time of the Messiah's birth,
whereas this ancient Christian tale belongs to a
somewhat later period, namely, after the journey of
Joseph and Mary into Egypt.
The Childhood of Jesus.
the Koran webranches of the water, for all in about to
fill it with a cheerful
told that the angels, before the infant's birth, thus
addressed Mary:- And he shall speak to men in the
cradle....And he shall say, Verily I come unto you with
a sign from your Lord, for I shall make unto you of clay
the figure as it were of a bird; then I will blow
thereon and it shall become a bird, by permission of
God.' (Surah 3.41-43 )
again in another Surah:-
God said, O Jesus son of Mary! remember my favour
towards thee, and towards thy Mother; when I
strengthened thee by the Holy Spirit, that thou
shouldest speak unto men
1. Protevangelium. It is remarkable that we have
the same story repeated in the Rauzat al Ahbab
regarding the birth of Mahomet himself |
the cradle, and when grown up; and when I taught thee
the Book and wisdom, and the Torah, and the Gospel; and
when thou createdst of clay as it were the figure of a
bird by my permission, and didst breathe thereon, and by
my permission it became a bird. And when thou didst heal
one born blind, and the leper, by my permission; and
didst raise up the dead by my permission; and when I
held back the children of Israel from thee at the time
thou camest unto them with evident miracles; and when
such of them as believed not said, This is nothing but
manifest sorcery. (Surah 5.119)
need not be repeated that tales of our Saviour's
childhood such as these have nothing to do with the
Gospel, but like those before of the cradle, palm-tree,
etc., have been taken from imaginary and fabulous
Christian writings, such as the following from a Greek
story-book called
Gospel of Thomas the Israelite:
child Jesus, when five years of age, was playing on the
road by a dirty stream of running water; and having
brought it all together into ditches, immediately made
it pure and clean; and all this by a single word. Then
having moistened some earth, he made of it twelve
sparrows. And it was the Sabbath day when he did these
things. There were many other children playing with him.
Now a Jew, seeing what Jesus did, that he
playing on the Sabbath day, forthwith went his way to
his father Joseph; Behold, he Said, thy son is at the
stream Of dirty water, and having taken up some mud,
hath made of it twelve sparrows, and hath thus
desecrated the Sabbath. On this Joseph went to the spot~
and cried out:- Why dost thou do these things on the
Sabbath day which it is not lawful to do? Whereupon
Jesus, clapping his hands at the sparrows, cried aloud
to them, - Go off! So they, clucking, flew away. The
Jews seeing it, were astonished, and went and told their
Rulers what they had seen Jesus do.
the Arabic Gospel of the Infancy, the whole story
is found twice over, in Chapter 36, and again in
a different form in Chapter 46, because the
latter part of the book is taken from The Gospel of
Thomas the Israelite.
reference to the supposed fact that Jesus spoke when an
infant in the cradle, we find it said in the Koran
(Surah 19. 29-31) that when the Virgin Mary's
people reproached her, she pointed to Jesus, implying
that they should ask him about the matter. And when they
asked her, How can we speak to a child in the cradle?
then Jesus answered them and said, Verily I am the
servant of God, who hath given the Book, and made me a
also in the Gospel of the Infancy, Chapter 1
it is thus written:
the Book of Josephus, High Priest, who lived in the time
Of the Messiah (and men say he was Caiaphas), we find it
said that Jesus spake when he was in the cradle, and
called out to his mother Mary:- "Verily I am Jesus, the
Son of God, the Word, whom thou hast given birth to
according to the good tidings given thee by the Angel
Gabriel, and my Father hath Sent me for the Salvation of
the World."
if we compare the above, taken from this ancient Arabic
work on the Infancy of our Saviour, with the Koran, it
will be at once apparent that Mohammed has adopted the
story, with its very words, changed only so far as to
bring them into accord with his own belief and teaching;
and doubtless it was all taken from this ancient
apocryphal treatise. Should anyone ask, How could this
have been? - the answer is that this book of the
Childhood was translated into Arabic from the Coptic
original, and must have been known to the Prophet's
Coptic hand-maiden, Mary. From her he must have heard
the tale, and believing it to have come from the Gospel,
adopted it with some little change, and so entered it in
the Koran. Now it is clear that such stories of
infantile miracles are altogether opposed to what is
written in the Gospel of St. John Chapter 2
regarding the turning of water into wine, where it is
recorded that "This beginning of miracles did Jesus
in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth his glory."
Jesus was then over thirty years of age; and it is clear
that before this no miracle had been done by him. But
all the miracles noted in the Koran, beyond what have
been mentioned above, and that of the Table to be spoken
of below, were undoubtedly true and beyond question, as
they correspond with what we read of in the four
4.The Heavenly Table
as to the Table, the following is the account given in
the Koran (Surah 5. 112-115):-
the Apostles said, O Jesus Son of Mary! is thy Lord able
to cause a Table to descend unto us from heaven? He
said, Fear God if ye be true believers. They answered,
We desire to eat therefrom, and that our hearts may rest
at ease, and may know that thou hast told us the truth,
and that we may be witnesses thereof. Jesus Son of Mary
said, O God our Lord! Cause a Table to descend unto us
from heaven, that it may become an fed (day of festival)
to the first of us and unto the last; and a sign from
thee; and do thou provide food for us, for thou art the
best Provider. God said, I will send it down unto you.
miracle is not mentioned in any Christian book. So
strange an imagination never could have had reality. but
its origin is no doubt to be found in the Supper which
Jesus partook of with his disciples the night before his
death. This Lord's Supper, which -has ever since been
observed by Christians as a sacred ordinance according
to Christ's command, is described in each of the four
Gospel’s. 1 It is also mentioned in
(Luke 22. 30), where Jesus promises his disciples
"that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom
and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
pass on to other notices in the Koran regarding Jesus
and his Mother, that we may observe the Sources from
which they were derived. Thus, in Surah 5. 116:
When God shall say unto Jesus at the last day, O
Jesus Son of Mary! hast thou said unto men, Take me and
my Mother for two gods, besides God? And again, in
Surah 6. 169:-
O ye
people of the Book! Exceed not the Just bounds in your
religion; neither say of God other then the truth.
Verily the Messiah Jesus Son of Mary is the apostle of
God, and his Word which he placed in Mary, and a Spirit,
from him.
Believe, therefore, in God and his apostles, and say not
there are three (Gods); forbear this; it will be better
for you. Verily God is one God. Far be it from him that
he should have a son. To him belongeth whatever is in
heaven and earth; and he is a sufficient advocate.
once more, Surah 5.77
are very unbelievers who say, God is the third of three;
for there is no God but the one God. And if they refrain
not from what they say, a dreadful torment shall surely
be inflicted on such of them as disbelieve.
these verses it is evident, as Jelal ood Deen and
Yahya say, that the Prophet must have heard from
some of the heretical Christian sects, that they held
the Almighty to be three, namely, God, and Mary and
Jesus; and to oppose this evil teaching, it is over and
and again repeated in the Koran that God is one. Whoever
may read the Torah and the Gospel must know that Unity
of the Almighty is at the foundation of the Christian
faith;- as we read in (Deut. 6 vs 4): -
"Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord"; a
text quoted and enforced by Jesus himself, Mark 12
vs. 29. The godhead of Mary is held by no real
Christian. It is, alas, true that several Churches do
worship her, - which is nothing short of idolatry, and
altogether opposed to the teaching of the Holy
Scriptures; yet it is in accordance with what many of
the heretical works contained regarding Mary; and from
them no doubt Mohammed learned the strange story he has
put in the Koran.
Surah 4. 156 we find it written that the
Jews said: We have slain Jesus son of Mary, the
Apostle of God. Yet they slew him not, neither crucified
him, but a Iikeness was given unto them......They did
not really kill him; but God took him up unto himself;
and God is mighty and wise. It need hardly be said
that this doctrine of the Koran is entirely opposed to
the writings of the Prophets and Apostles, but it is in
agreement with the teaching of some of the early
heretics. Thus the ancient writer Irenaeus tells us that
Basilides, one of their chief men,
held this view, for he wrote of Jesus as follows:-
Matthew 26,20-29; Mark 14. 17-25; Luke 26.
14-17; John 13. vs.l-30.
2 It is also possible that the dream of Peter in
which food was sent down to him in a sheet may
have originated the idea of the Table descending
from heaven. it was, however, but a dream. Acts
x. 9-16. |
suffered not; but Simon a Cyrenian was compelled to
carry the cross for him; and he through error and
ignorance was crucified, being transfigured by him, that
it might be thought he was Jesus himself.
is evident then that Mohammed learned this story as
propagated by the disciples of Basilides; - a
story every one must know to be opposed to the writings
of the Prophets, who said that the Messiah would come
as a sacrifice for the redemption of mankind; and to
the testimony of the Apostles, who with their own eyes
saw our blessed Redeemer on the cruss. Mohammed,
however, failed to see that the object of this heretic
was to hold up the vain imagination that Jesus was not
clothed with manhood proper, but had only the semblance
and not the reality of it. If so, it was not possible
that he could have been born of the Virgin, and suffered
on the cross; but that men were deceived into thinking
that these things happened to him. Now all this
heretical teaching is entirely opposed not only to the
Gospel, but to the Koran itself. Accordingly, it did not
become Mohammed to accept part of the wild imaginations
of Basilides, and reject a part; for if the basis
of a heretic's teaching is false, how can the notions
and doctrines derived therefrom be true? And yet we see
that the Prophet did so, in accepting the vain
imagination of the heretic as given in the verse of the
Koran quoted above.
5."AHMED" mistaken for Paraclete
Moslems hold that Christ announced to his followers that
they were to expect a Prophet named Ahmed; and in proof
they adduce the following verse from the Koran, Surah
61.6- And -when Jesus Son of Mary said, O children of
Israel, I am the apostle of God unto you, confirming
that which was delivered unto me in the Torah, and
bringing good tidings of an apostle who shall come after
me, named Ahmed. This passage no doubt refers to the
Comforter, the Paraclete promised in the Gospel of John.
1. But anyone who attentively reads
what is said in the passages on the subject, will
perceive that they make no promise of any prophet's
advent, but of the coming of the Holy Ghost;- a
promise fulfilled shortly after our Savior’s ascent to
heaven, by the descent of the Holy Spirit, as described
in Acts 2. 1-11.
origin of the misapprehension in the Koran came from the
Arabs not knowing the meaning of Paraklete (Faraclete),
and fancying it to signify Ahmed, or "the praised
one": while the real sense of the name is the
Comforter. But there is in Greek another word which to
the ear of a foreigner would have a nearly similar
sound, namely, Periclete (praised or celebrated);
and it is extremely probable that the people of Arabia,
not familiar with Greek, mistook its meaning thus and
named the promised one Ahmed, or "·the praised."'2
read in ancient times of one Mani 3
in Iran, who fancied himself a prophet, and claimed
to be the Paraklete promised by the Messiah. But he was
rejected by the Christians of Persia, who, being well
acquainted with the gospel, knew that our Saviour made
no promise of any prophet to come.
have it in tradition that Mohammed said Jesus would
descend upon earth, there live forty years, and become
married.4 Anyone acquainted with
the Bible will understand how this strange Imagination
arose; for in Rev. 19 vs. 7-9, we read as
us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the
marriage of the Lamb Is come, and his wife had made
herself ready. And to her Was granted that she should be
arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine
linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto
me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the
marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These
are the true sayings of God.
if it be asked, Who is the Bride spoken of here? the
answer is in Rev 21:2 "And I John saw
the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out
of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
We see then that the Bride spoken of here is the
Christian Church which Will
I John 14 vs 16, 26, John 15. 26, John 16:7.
Called also the Fcraclete.
2 0ur Author exemplifies this by words begun
with two Arabic letters sounding very similar,
and liable to be mistaken one for the other.
3. Manes, and hence the Manichaeans. 4. Araish
al Majalis. |
on earth at the second coming of Jesus; and their
"marriage" is simply the symbol of the Perfect union,
love and devotion that will subsist between the two ~ as
between a husband and his wife. The whole Story of the
Commentators is but a foolish myth, 1.
Again we read in Surah 3. 48:- O Jesus!
I will cause thee to die, - the meaning being that
after his return to this earth Jesus will die. This is
entirely opposed to the Scriptures, for in
Revelation 1. 17, 18 Jesus says, "I am the
first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead:
and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the
keys of hell and of death." The story has arisen
from a passage in a traditional book , (History of
Joseph the Carpenter) regarding Enoch and Elias, who
ascended without dying to the heavens and of whom we are
told:"It will happen to them that they will return to
the world in the last time, in the day of grief and fear
and distress, and then will die." And in the Coptic
tale of the Falling asleep of Mary, it is said of Enoch
and Elias, - "Of necessity both of these will at the
last taste of death." So when the Companions of the
Prophet had such foolish notions in their heads, they no
doubt concluded that Jesus too, like Enoch and Elias,
would eventually be made to taste of death; and
moreover, knowing that he had ascended up to heaven,
they thought that his death would follow his return at
the Second coming. Hence the way in which they tried to
illustrate the above text. It may be noticed also that
in other Surahs we find it written that "Every soul
shall taste Of death." (Surah 29.57 and Surah 3.182)
other stories from Christian or heretical writers.
God would create Adam he sent angels and archangels, one
after another, to bring a handful of of earth. At last
Azrael, having descended, brought handful gathered from
every quarter, and said, "O Lord, thou knowest whence
I have brought it."2 Abul Feda,
quoting from Ibn Ath~, gives us this account:-
Prophet said that God created Adam from a handful of
earth gathered from all round the world...and that he
was called Adam as formed out of the earth below (i.e.
adim). The following is also taken from the heretic
Marcion, who is quoted by an old Armenian writer as
God of the Law seeing the earth fair to look upon,
desired to make man out of it, and having descended to
Matter, Hyle~ on the earth, he said, Give me some of thy
soil, and I will from myself impart to it a soul.....So
when Matter had given to him some of the earth, he
created man and breathed into him a soul; and for this
reason he was called Adam, because he was made out of
the earth.
According to the heretic Marcion, he whom they
name "the God of the Law," who got earth for the
creation of man, was only an angel; for they say that
the Law came down from one of the angels hostile to
the great God. And that Angel they call Lord of the
universe, Creator of all things, and Prince of this
world. This last is taken from the Gospel of John, where
the devil is so called.3. Marcion
tells us that this angel was an inhabitant of the Second
heaven, and at first knew nothing of the great God;
but when he came to know of his existence, then he
turned out to be an enemy of "the Unknown God," and
sought that mankind should neither know nor worship him.
Imaginative story of the creation is in entire accord
with what the Moslems say regarding Azazll, who came to
dwell in the Second heaven. But the rest of the tale
about him belongs to the Zoroastrian books, which will
be noticed in our Fifth chapter.
Surah 19. vv. 69-73 we have the following
passage By the Lord! we shall surely assemble them
round about Hell on their knees. Then will we draw forth
from every Sect such of them as shall have been most
rebellious against the Merciful; and we best know which
of them are the more deserving to be burned therein.
There are none of you but shall descend into the same.
It is an established decree with thy Lord. Then
"The argument might have been strengthened by a
reference to Ephesians v~ concerning the
marriage of Christ the Church.
2. Qissas al Anbia.
3. John 14. 30. The Moslems apply the name
"Prince of the World" to their Prophet, not
understanding its true meaning. |
will deliver the pious ones; but will leave the wicked
ones therein upon their knees.
explaining this passage Tradition varies. Some say that
all believers will descend into Hell, but will not be
touchedn by the flames; others that it refers to the
Bridge Sirat, over which all must pass, and which is
over Jehannam. It is just possible that the words,
"There are none of you but shall descend into it,"
may be borrowed from the way in which some ignorant
Christians interpreted the "Trying with fire," mentioned
in the Gospel, 1. as if it meant
that they were thus to be purified of their sins. But if
the Koran here refers to the Bridge Sirat, the
idea cannot be from any of them, but from the
Zoroastrian books, to be noticed below.
mentioned in two passages of the Koran, Surah
42.16:- It is God who hath sent down the
Scripture with truth, and the Balance; and what shall
inform thee whether the time be near at hand?
Surah 101. 5, 6:- Moreover, he whose Balance
shall be heavy will lead a pleasing life; but he whose
Balance shall be light, his dwelling-place shall be
need not enter into the vast store of Tradition devoted
to this great Balance, but simply enquire whence the
notion arose. There is a fictitious work called "The
Testament of Abraham," written originally in Egypt,
and thence translated into Greek and Arabic; and what is
there said of the weighing of deeds, good and bad, we
shall compare with what is in the Koran. In this book we
are told that when the Angel of Death wished to seize
the soul of Abraham, the patriarch desired that before
his death he might see the wonders of the heavens and of
the earth. Having obtained permission, he ascended and
beheld all the scenes around him. After a time he
ascended the Second heaven, and there saw the Balance by
which angels try the deeds of mankind. The following is
an extract from this work:-Betwixt the two doors
there stood a throne...and upon it was seated a
wonderful Man...Before him stood a Table, like as of
crystal, all covered with gold and linen. And upon the
Table a book lay, its length six fingers, and breadth
ten fingers. On the right hand of it and on the left,
stood two angels having paper and ink and pen. In front
of the Table sat a brilliant angel holding in his hand a
Balance. On the left sat an angel, as it were all of
fire, merciless and stern, having in his hand a trumpet,
in which was flaming fire, the touchstone of sinful men.
The wonderful Man seated on the throne was judging the
souls and passing sentance upon them. And the two angels
on the right and on the left were writing down, the one
on the right, righteous deeds, and he on the left,
sinful ones. And he that stood before the Table holding
the Balance was weighing the souls, and the angel
holding the fire, passing judgment upon them. And so
Abraham asked Michael, the Captain of the Host, What is
all this that we see? He answered, That which thou
seest, holy Abraham, is the Judgment and Retribution.
Thereafter we are told that every soul whose good deeds
equaled its evil ones was reckoned neither as one of the
saved nor as one of the condemned, but put in a position
between the two, like what is told us in the Koran
already quoted, "Between the two a veil, and men upon
al Araf."
the above it is clear that what Mohammed mentions about
the Balance in the Koran was derived from this
fictitious "Testament of Abraham," written in
Egypt some four hundred years before the Hidgra, and of
which an account was probably given him by his Coptic
concubine Mary.
what there is mentioned about the Balance belongs to a
far earlier source, namely, to a book called "·The
Book of the Dead." many copies of this primeval work
have been found in the sepulchers of the ancient
idolatrous Egyptians, placed there because supposed to
have been written by one of their gods called Thoth, and
with the notion that they would be read by the dead
buried there. In it is a strange picture illustrating
the Judgment hall of Osiris, of which our Author has
given an interesting copy. There are in it two deities
on opposite sides of a Balance. One of these is weighing
the heart of a good man placed in a vessel on the scale,
and in the corresponding scale opposite is an idol
called Ma or truth. The great
Mark ix. 49; ICorinthians iii. 13. |
is recording in ancient Egyptian the fate of the
departed:- "Osiris the justified is alive; his Balance
is equal in the midst of God's palace; the heart of
Osiris the justified is to enter into its place. Let the
great god, Lord of Hermopolis, say so." Over some of the
idols are their names; and above a savage figure, the
words, "Conqueror of his enemies, god of Amenli (Hades)"
several times also are repeated the words, "Life and
peace to Osiris." Below we have reproduced a sketch of
the "Balance" which stands at one side of thi s most
remarkable picture.
all this it is clear that what we have in the Koran
about the "Balance" was learned by the Prophet
from such Sources as the above.
Ascent to heaven
regards the Ascent to heaven, Tradition tells us that
Mohammed there saw Father Adam, at times weeping and
groaning, at times happy and rejoicing; of which in the
Mishkat we have this account:-When he opened, we went up
to the lower heaven. Lo! a man seated, on his right hand
were dark figures, and on his left dark figures. When he
looked to his right, he laughed; when to the left, he
wept. And he said, Welcome to the righteous Prophet, and
to the excellent Son. I then asked Gabriel, Who is this?
It is Adam, he said, and these dark figures on his
right, and on his left, are the spirits of his sons. The
people on his right hand are the inhabitants of
Paradise; and the dark figures on his left are those of
the Fire; when he looks to his right, he smiles; and
when he looks to the left, he weeps.
same tale we find in the ancient "Testament of
Abraham," as follows:-
Michael turned the chariot, and took Abraham towards the
east through the first gate of heaven. There Abraham saw
two roads; one strait and difficult, the other wide and
beheld also two gates, one wide like its road, and
another narrow like the other road. Outside the two
gates they beheld a Man sitting on a golden throne, his
aspect terrible like unto the Lord. They saw a multitude
of souls driven by the angels through the wide gate, but
few souls led by the angels through the narrow one. And
when the great Man seated on the golden throne saw but
few passing through the narrow gate, and so many through
the wide gate, forthwith he grasped the hair of his head
and his beard on either side, and cast himself weeping
and groaning from his throne upon the ground. But when
he saw many souls entering in by the narrow gate, he
arose from the ground, and with joy and rejoicing seated
himself again upon the throne.
Abraham asked the Captain of the Host:-- My Lord
Commander! Who is that great Man adorned with so much
grandeur, who sometimes weeps in great distress, and
sometimes rejoices and is glad? Then the Spirit
(Michael) answered:-- This is Adam, the first created
man, adorned with so
glory; and here he beholds the world and the multitudes
who derive their existence from himself. When he beholds
many souls passing the narrow gate, then rising up he
seats himself upon his throne in joy and gladness,
because the narrow gate is for the righteous and leadeth
unto life eternal. Those passing through it are on the
way to Paradise, and hence the first created Adam
rejoiceth, because he seeth souls that are saved. But
when he beholds many passing through the wide gate, then
he seizes the hair of his head, beats and casts himself
to the ground crying bitterly. For the wide gate leadeth
the wicked to everlasting destruction.
were easy to show that many other, passages in the Koran
are in close accord with the tales of
ignorant Christians, or of heretical writers, anterior
to the Prophet; but the examples given above may amply
suffice . Before closing the chapter, however, it seems
proper to ask whether Mohammed, having borrowed so much
from fictitious works, has taken anything at all from
the Gospel, or Apostolic writings. In answer to this
serious question; we reply that throughout the Koran
only one verse is quoted from the Gospel; and by a
well-known Traditionalist possibly one verse from St.
First. In Surah 7. 38 it is written:-
They that charge our signs with falsehood and proudly
reject them, the gates of heaven shall not be opened to
them, nor shall they enter Paradise until a camel pass
through the eye of a needle:- compared with this in
three of the Gospels: "It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God."'
Second. Abu Hureira tells in the Mishkat of the Prophet
having stated that God Almighty had said as follows:-
"I have prepared for the righteous what eye hath not
seen, nor ear heard, nor hath entered into the heart of
man." See similar words in I Cor. 2. 9.
this absence of actual quotation does not detract from
the second-hand, and in many respects fictitious,
knowledge of the Christian past. And we conclude that
the Gospel, and especially some of the ancient heretical
works, were clearly among the Sources of Moslem
teaching,- a conclusion