Before the time of Mohammed, there were a few
inquirers from amongst the Arabs who had a
strong aversion from idolatry, and who
accordingly sought to find relief in a better
faith. Amongst the Jews, and possibly from
ancient tradition still surviving, it was known
that Abraham was a worshipper of the One true
God. Hence both at
Mecca and Medina, and also at Tayif, we find
that there were men who, seeking after the
truth, had abandoned the worship of idols; and
these were called Hanefites. The names of six of
these are given in the margin, some having also
followers of their own Now we hold that these
inquirers, and especially Zeid ibn Amr, had a
very marlted effect, by their conceptions,
conversation, example, upon the Prophet, as we
find from the contents of the Coran. Of all the
authorities on the subject, that of Ibn Ishac
and Ibn Hisham as contained in the Sirat,
3 is by far the oldest, and being
nearest the Hegira, the most marriage ceremonial
-- the dower being 400 dinars, which formed a
precedent for time to come. Now as to Othman, he
repaired to the Court of the Emperor of
Byzantium, where he obtained high rank and
embraced the Christian faith.....
Last of all we come to Zeid, who stood fast,
Abu Ameer
Zeid |
Mecca |
al Ahbab. 2 Sirat al Rashl, by Ibn
Hisham and Ibn Ishac. 3 Sirat al Rasul,
or Life of the Prophet. |
joining neither the Jewish nor the Christian
religion. He broke off from his own people's
faith, and gave up idols, the eating of carrion,
blood, the slaughter of animals for the gods,
and the putting of daughters to death. He
said:-- I worship the God of Abraham; but he
blamed his people for having chosen evil ways.
There is a tradition from Amina daughter of Abu
Bekr that she once saw Zeid, then very aged,
leaning with his back on the Kaaba, and thus
addressing the people:-- O Quaresh by Him in
whose hand is the life of Zeid ibn Amr I swear,
that not one of you professeth the faith of
Abraham, but me alone, Then he prayed:-- O Lord!
if I but knew what way was most pleasing unto
thee, I would worship thee in that manner; but I
know it not. Then putting the palms of his hands
to the ground, he bent his body down in worship.
We are also told that Mohammed being asked by
his relations to pray that Zeid might be
forgiven, consented, -- "for he shall be raised
up alone, like a community. "l
Zeid wrote the following lines regarding his
parting with his people's faith, and what
happened to him therefrom
Am I to worship
one or a thousand
I have altogether forsaken Lat and Uzza,
Henre I neither worship Uzza nor her two
Neither do I worship Ghanam,
I was astonished, and had strange
thoughts in the night seasons.
Since the Lord destroyeth multitudes
And many others he preserveth for their
Are Divine affairs divided thus'
Thus should every brave and
thoughtful man.
Nor the two idols of the Beni Amr,
nor do pilgrinuge unto them.
Though 1 did regard him my Lord;
when I had little understanding.
And in the day-time the seeing will
Because their works are evil;
And cherisheth the little ones.
Amongst us, one
day man will
But I
now worship my Lord Most
Therefore observe the fear of the
your God;
in the
this life disgrace,
And the
next, he will be as the branch fed by
the rain.
the Compassionate Lord may
my sin.
So Long
as ye do so. ye shall not
But for
the unbelievers, flaming hellfire;
after death that which shall
bitterly cramp
their breasts.
Zeid wrote the
above lines regarding his parting with
his peoples faith |
We further learn from Ibn Hisham that Zeid was
expelled from Mecca; and being forbidden to
remain there, had to live on Mount Hira,
opposite the city. The Prophet himself in the
summer-time used every year to retire, as the
Arabs used to do, into a cave in the Sacred
Mount for solitary meditation; and so we believe
that he must often have met his relative Zeid
there. For he used still to go after his call to
be a Prophet, as we learn from Ibn Ishac:-
"Gabriel by the mercy of the Lord came to him at
Hira in Ramazan... This he did every year,
according to the custom of the Quaresh in the
days of ignorance, to be alone and refresh their
souls." Now everyone acquainted with the Koran
and Hadith cannot but perceive how alike is the
teaching of both, and that they must have had
the greatest influence on each other, in their
views about such things for instance as
idol-worship, the burying alive of infant girls,
the Unity of God, Paradise and Hell, and calling
God "the Lord most Merciful and
Compassionate." Again, Zeid and the
Hanefites, like the Prophet, followed Abraham,
calling him by the same name (Hanif) as their
own, - in illustration of which we may quote
Surah 4. 126:-
Who is of better religion than he who resigneth
himself unto God, and followeth the faith of
Abraham the Orthodox
.....And again, Surah 3. 89:-
Say, The Lord hath said truly, "Follow the faith
of Abraham the Orthodox (Hanif), for he was not
one of the idolaters." And again,
Surah 6. 162:- Verily the Lord hath
guided me into the right way, the true faith,
the religion of Abraham the Orthodox (Hanif).
And thus we see the Prophet calls himself and
his people by the name Hanif. The word, indeed,
originally signified "unclean" or· "apostate,"
and was so used by the idolatrous Arabs of Zeid,
because he abandoned the worship of their gods.
The name pleased the Prophet and was used by him
in a good sense. We must not forget, however,
that all the four Hanefites were
1 Ibn Ishac tells us that Mohammed,
while believing himself forbidden to
pray for his own mother, yet when asked
by a female relative of Zeid whether she
might pray for him, said: "Yes, for he
will be raised as a separate religious
community at the last day." |
themselves, as already said, nearly related to the
Prophet, - Obeidallah being nephew to Mohammed who took
his widow Omm Habtbah to wife; while Waraca and Othman
were sons of two aunts of Khadija. Hence the views,
sayings, and teaching of these Hanefites cannot but have
had a decided influence on the Prophet. We may also
remember that though the Prophet is believed to have
said that he had no right even to pray for the salvation
of his own mother, yet he did so for Zeid and his
blessedness hereafter. From all this we see that the
Prophet recognized his principles, and attested them as
now some of our objectors may say, Suppose we accept as
true all that you have told us of the various Sources
from which Islam is derived, then it would prove that
Mohammed himself had personally no influence on the
Faith;- a thing hard to believe. Certainly, we reply, it
is impossible to imagine that as Mohammed himself was
the Author of the Faith, his own purpose and mind had no
effect in the structure; just as in a building the use
of stones, etc., in its erection, does not detract from
the skill and ability of the architect, without whom
they would be of no possible use. And in like manner, as
the edifice of Islam has its own established character,
and differs from all other religions, it is clear that
it is the work of one possessed of the highest gifts and
power, and, from the beauty of the composition of the
Koran we see that he was singularly wise and eloquent.
Moreover, from his life as given in Tradition, and the
history of his time, the personality of the Prophet is
manifest in the
Koran. Thus before his flight to
being a mere ordinary citizen of
Mecca, he made no mention in the passages given forth
there, of force or war for the extension of the faith.
FIRST, after the Hidgra, when he had gained the
powerful body of the Ansarss for his followers, he gave
them leave to defend themselves and beat off their
opponents. Thus in Surah 22.40:-
Permission is given to them to fight, because they are
persecuted..... those who have been turned out of their
houses without just cause other than that they say, Our
Lord is God; and it is allowed by the Commentaries,
that this was the first revelation giving permission to
some time after, when Mohammed had gained victories over
his enemies, this simple permission was changed into
command, as we find in Surah 2. 212, 214:-
War is enjoined you, but it is hateful unto you...
They will ask thee concerning the Sacred Month, whether
they may war therein. Say, - To war therein is grievous
to obstruct the way of God and infidelity towards him
and the holy Masjid, and to drive out his people from
thence, is more grievous in the sight of God; and
temptation (to idolatry) is more grievous than to kill.
The instruction in this passage being that the Moslems
should war against the Quaresh even in the Sacred
months, because they prevented them from visiting Kaaba.
when in the sixth year of the Hidgra, the Prophet had
conquered the Beni Coreitza and other tribes, he issued
still sterner commands against his adversaries, as we
find in Surah 5. 37:- The recompense of
those who fight against God and his Apostle, and study
to act corruptly on the earth, is that they shall be
slain or crucified, or have their hands and their feet
cut off on the opposite sides (of the body), or be
banished from the land. Such shall be their disgrace in
this world, and in the next they shall suffer a grievous
punishment. The Commentators hold that this terrible
command relates to idolaters only, and not to Jews and
But towards these also, the attitude of the Prophet
towards the end of his life entirely changed; and so we
read in the last revealed Surah (9:5, 29)
that after the four Sacred months had passed, they
should again commence war, as follows: And when the
Sacred months are ended, kill the idolaters wheresoever
ye find them, take them prisoners and besiege them, and
lay wait for them in every convenient place. But if they
repent, and offer up the appointed Prayers, and pay the
legal Alms, then dismiss them freely, for God is
gracious and merciful.....Fight against those who
believe not in God, nor in the last day, nor forbid that
which God and his Apostle have forbidden, and profess
not the true religion, namely, of those to whom the
Scriptures have been given, until they pay
tribute by the hand, and be reduced low.
so we learn from these successive passages in the Koran,
that the great and unchanging Almighty God, step by
step, allowed his Divine Law to be altered as the
Prophet and his followers gradually gained successive
victories by the sword. Not only so, but we see the same
liberty of change permitted in respect of certain
passages in the Koran to be canceled by other passages;
thus in Surah 2. 100:- We abrogate no
verse, or cause it to be left out, but we bring in its
place a better, or one like unto it. Ah! dost thou not
know that God is over all things almighty?
Hence so long as Mohammed entertained the hope of
bringing together both Jews and Christians, and also the
Arab tribes, by the retention of some of their national
practices, there seemed to him the possibility of
uniting all Arabia in one Grand religion. But when he
found this to be impracticable, then it remained for him
either to abandon and eventually destroy the two former,
or else lose the native Arabs as a whole. The objects
and the mind of the Prophet are manifest throughout hi s
prophetic life. Thus, to take an instance, the marriage
with Zeinab wife of his adopted son Zeid, as justified
in the Koran, (Surah 33:37) shews how much
the revelation and whole system of the
Whosoever, then, desires to know what was the faith of
Father Abraham, the Friend of God, let him diligently
read the Torha of Moses, so strongly borne testimony to
in the above verses of the Koran; and there he will find
the blessed promise given him by the Almighty, that the
one Divine Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, was to come
of the de scendants of Abraham and of his son Isaac. The
Patriarch accepted the the promise, and believed in the
coming Messiah, as we see in a passage of the Torah,
where God spoke thus to Abraham:- And God said, Sarah
your wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt
call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant
with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed
after him.(Gensis 17:19) 1 The same promise
is repeated again in the Book of Genesis
to Abraham:- And in thy seed shall all the nations of
the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice.(Genesis
22:18)' And Jesus himself refers to this promise
when he said to the Jews:- Your father Abraham
rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it and was glad
(John 8:56) The Apostle Paul also makes mention
of the same expectation: To Abraham and his seed were
the promises made. He saith not, -- And to seeds, as of
many; but as of One; And to thy seed, which is Christ;
and again:- If ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's
seed, and heirs according to promise. (Galations
the gracious and compassionate Lord, who hath in his
infinite mercy fulfilled this his eternal covenant,
grant that the humble Writer and the Kind Reader of
these pages, may, along with the blessed Patriarch, be
made partakers of the, heavenly inheritance thus
promised through our Savior Jesus Christ. And to his
Amen, so let it be!