This remarkable book has been written by the Rev. W.
St. Clair-Tisdall, Missionary, C.M.S., Julfa, Persia. It
takes up a subject never as yet brought properly under
discussion either by Muslims or Christians - namely, the
origin of the Koran, and the Sources from which both it
and Tradition have been derived. By the teaching of
Mohammed the Koran is of divine origin, and was brought
down, as Tradition tells us, word by word by Gabriel to
the Prophet's ear. The original is "written on a Tablet,
kept in Heaven, 1. "sent down on the night of al Cadr'''
by the Almighty. Thus the Koran comes from God alone,
heavenly, divine, and uncreate from all eternity. Now if
it be shown that much of this grand book can be traced
to human Sources existing daily around the Prophet, then
Islam falls to the ground. And this is what the Author
proves with marvelous power and erudition.
Sources as were derived from the Arabs them- selves are
treated first (chap. ii).,The shadow of divine unity
still subs sted among them. There were a multitude of
gods and idols, of which each tribe had its special
ones, as Lit and Ozza for the Coreish. The intercession
of these was sought; but above and beyond them all was
the ancient memory of one great God, Allah - the Al
("the") a proof of sovereign unity. Curious that the
word occurs in the Prophet's family, his father and
uncle being called Abdallah and Obeidallah. There was
thus a local Source to build upon. Then we have the
multitude of national habits and practices, as the Hajj,
the Kaaba, etc., maintained in the new faith, though all
of earthly origin. It was indeed the Prophet's endeavor
to pull down all purely idolatrous worship; 2 and so he
did, except the kissing of the Black stone, too popular
a practice to be abandoned. A curious example of a
purely local Source may be found in a number of verses
of the Koran which are
shown to be taken from the Moallaqlt, a plagiarism sm
rather difficult for the Moslem to conjoin with the
heavenly origin of his Revelation.
Chapter iii. explains the influence of Judaism. And
first we are told that the Five times of prayer were
borrowed from the Sabeans. The Jews were numerous and
powerful throughout Arabia, and Mohammed, having sought
their conversion in vain, at last fought against them
and banished them from the country. But in the meantime
he had taken much of his teaching from their books, the
Talmud, their Commentaries, etc. The
1. Surah Ixxxv. 21; vi.
19 2 S. xcvll. i. Sent down, then, as they say, to the
lowest Heaven, and thence by Gabriel communicated to the
Prophet, bit by bit, as occasion required.Sent down,
then, as they say, to the lowest2 "What think ye of
Allat and Al Uzza and Modt, the other third?...They are
but empty names which ye and your fathers have named
Goddesses." S. liii. 19.