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Mormonism Unvailed
1. Smith & Harris
2. Golden Bible
3. Book of Mormon
4. 1Nephi - 2Nephi
5. a. 2Nephi
    b. Jacob - Mosiah
6. Book of Alma
7. Remainder of Book
8. Rigdon Converted
9. In Kirtland
10. In Missouri
11. Spiritual Gifts
12. Missouri Problems
13. Mormon War I
14. Mormon War II
15. 1831 Ezra Booth Letters
16. Mormon Revelations
17.Hurlbut Affidavits,   Isaac Hale
18.  Anthon Affair
19.  Authorship of Solomon Spalding





Before the publication of the book, Smith found many who believed its contents,
from the ghost stories which he related concerning it. Soon after it was issued
from the press, a person by the name of Parley P. Pratt happened to be passing
on the canal through Palmyra, and hearing of the wonders of the gold plates and
huge spectacles, called on the prophet, and was converted. This Pratt then
resided in Lorain County, Ohio; and had some time previous, formed an intimacy
with Sidney Rigdon, and became a convert to his doctrines. This Rigdon was a
man of great eloquence, belonging to a denomination of Christians who style
themselves, "Disciples," or "Reformers," and who are also, by their apponents, in
derision, called "Campbellites." He resided in the County of Geauga, and but a few
miles from the place which since has been made the head quarters of Smith. He
was a popular preacher, and had large congregations in different parts of the
country. If there was a man in the world that could successfully spread and give
a name to the vagaries of the Smiths, it was Rigdon. They soon became
convinced of this, by the representations of Pratt.
We may here stop to remark that an opinion has prevailed, to a considerable
extent, that Rigdon has been the Iago, the prime mover, of the whole conspiracy.
Of this, however, we have no positive proof; but many circumstances have
carried a suspicious appearance; and further developments may establish the
Either before or soon after the arrival of Pratt at Manchester, among the Smiths,
it appears that an expedition was fitted out for the Western Country, under the
command of
Cowdery, in order to convert the Indians, or Lamanites, as they called them. As
a preparatory step, a long revelation was furnished by Smith, to Cowdery, to
serve as his credentials. This curious document will be found in the succeeding
pages, from which it will be seen that the prophet, at the outset, feared a
rivalship, and took effectual means to put it down. His brother Hiram [Page], it
appears, also undertook to write some mysteries from a stone, which was
forthwith vetoed, and pronunced to be the work of Satan.
As Cowdery had been a scribe to the prophet, it became necessary to supply his
place. He therefore very prudently and affectionately, had the following command
for his wife:
A commandment to Emma, my daughter in Zion, A. D., 1830. -- A
revelation I give unto you, concerning my will. Behold, thy sins are
forgiven thee, and thou art an Elect Lady, whom I have called.
Murmur not because of the things which thou hast [not] seen, for
they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom
in me in a time to come; and the office of thy calling shall be for
a comfort unto my servant Joseph, thy husband, in his afflictions,
with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness; and thou shalt go
with him at the time of his going, and be unto him for a scribe,
that I may send Oliver withersoever I will; and thou shalt be
ordained under his hand to expound scriptures, and to exhort the
church, according as it shall be given thee by my spirit, for he shall
lay his hands upon thee, and thou shalt receive the Holy Ghost;
and thy time shall be given to writing and to learning much; and
thou needest not fear, for thy husband shall support thee from the
church, for unto them is his calling, that all things might be
revealed unto them, whatsoever I will according to their faith; and
verily I say unto thee, that thou shalt lay aside the things of this
world, and seek for the things of a better; and it shall be given
thee also to
make a selection of sacred Hymns, as it shall be given thee, which
is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church, for my soul delighteth
in the song of the heart, yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer
unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads,
wherefore lift up they heart, and rejoice, and cleave unto the
covenant[s] which thou hast made -- continue in the spirit of
meekness, [and beware of pride] -- let thy soul delight in thy
husband, and the glory which shall come unto him -- keep my
commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou
shalt receive; and except thou do this, where I am you cannot
come, and verily, verily I say unto you that this is my voice unto
all -- Amen.
These were some of Smith's first attempts at making his followers believe that the
Lord was to make known his will constantly through him; and the persons chosen
were, it must be acknowledged, the best of which the nature of the case would
admit -- his wife and Cowdery. In this operation, he abandoned his spectacles,
or "peep-stone," and merely delivered it with his eyes shut. In this manner he
governs his followers, by asking the Lord, as he says, from day to day. Every
difficult question or dispute is thus decided -- from it there is no appeal. He has
taught them, that to doubt their divine authority, is to endanger their salvation.
We shall have occasion, in the progress of this work, to give many curious
specimens of his art of governing.
The expedition to the "Lamanites" was finally fitted out by Smith, and was
composed of Cowdery, Pratt, Peterson and Whitmer. In the latter part of
October, 1830, under the guidance of Pratt, they arrived at the residence of
Rigdon, in Mentor, Ohio, well supplied with the new bibles. -- They professed to
rejoice at finding a people walking according to the scriptures, and pretended to
acknowledge no other guide. They professed to have no commands for them;
nevertheless, they called upon them to receive the
book as from Heaven, which they said mostly concerned the western Indians, as
being an account of their origin, and a prophecy of their final conversion to
Christianity, and make them a "white and delightsome people," and be reinstated
in their lands, of which they have been despoiled by the whites, When called
upon for testimony, they appealed (like Mahomet) to the internal evidences of
their book. --
The book was read by Rigdon, and pronounced a "silly fabrication." When further
pressed upon the subject, they required the people to humble themselves before
God, and pray for a sign from Heaven.
Near the residence of Rigdon, in Kirtland, there had been, for some time previous,
a few families belonging to his congregation, who had formed themselves into a
common stock society, and had become considerably fanatical, and were daily
looking for some wonderful event to take place in the world. Their minds had
become fully prepared to embrace Mormonism, or any other mysterious ism that
should first present itself. Seventeen in number of these persons, readily believed
the whole story of Cowdery, about the finding of the golden plates and the
They were all re-immersed, in one night, by Cowdery. At this Rigdon seemed much
displeased, and when they came next day to his house, he told them that what
they had done was entirely without precedent or authority, from the scriptures
-- for they had immersed those persons that they might work miracles, as well
as come under their new covenant -- showed them that the Apostles baptized
for the remission of sins, instead of miraculous gifts. But when pressed upon the
point, they said it was done merely at the solicitation of those persons.
Rigdon again called upon them for proofs of the truth of their book and mission;
they then related the manner in which they obtained faith, which was by praying
for a sign, and an Angel was showed unto them. Rigdon here showed
from scripture the possibility of their being deceived. "For Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light." But, said Cowdery, "do you think if I should
go to my heavenly Father, with all sincerity, and pray to him in the name of
Jesus Christ, that he would not show me an Angel; that he would suffer Satan
to deceive me?"
Rigdon replied, "if the Heavenly Father has ever promised to show you an Angel,
to confirm anything, he would not suffer you to be deceived, for says John, this
is the confidence we have with him, if we ask things according to his will, he
hearkens to us." But he continued, "if you should ask the heavenly Father to
show you an Angel, when he has never promised you such a thing, if the Devil
never had an opportunity of deceiving you before, you give him one now."
However, about two days after this, Rigdon was persuaded to tempt God by this
sign, which he knew to be contrary to his revealed will; he of course received a
sign, and was convinced that Mormonism was true and divine. -- According to his
own reasoning, therefore, the Devil appeared to him as an angel of light; but he
now imputed his former reasoning to pride, incredulity, and the influence of the
Evil One.
On the conversion of Rigdon, a most successful atarting point was thought to
have been obtained. Cowdery and his associates then began to develope the
pecularities for the new imposition. Scenes of the most wild, frantic and horrible
fanaticism ensued. They pretended that the power of miracles was about to be
given to all those who embraced the new faith, and commenced communicating
the Holy Spirit, by laying their hands upon the heads of the converts, which
operation, at first, produced an instantaneous prostration of body and mind. Many
would fall upon the floor, where they would lie for a long time, apparently lifeless.
They thus continued these enthusiastic exhibitions for several
weeks. The fits usually came on, during or after their prayer-meetings, which
were held nearly every evening. – The young men and women were more
particularly subject to this delirium. They would exhibit all the apish actions
imaginable, making the most ridiculous grimaces, creeping upon their hands and
feet, rolling upon the frozen ground, go through with all the Indian modes of
warfare, such as knocking down, scalping, ripping open and tearing out the
bowels. At other times, they would run through the fields, get upon stumps,
preach to imaginary congregations, enter the water and perform all the ceremony
of baptizing, &c. Many would have fits of speaking all the different Indian dialects,
which none could understand. Again, at the dead hour of night, the young men
might be seen running over the fields and hills in pursuit, as they said, of the balls
of fire, lights, &c., which they saw moving through the atmosphere.
Before these scenes fully commenced, however, Cowdery had departed for the
country inhabited by the Indians, with the expectation of converting them to
Christianity, by means of his new bible, and miracles which he was to perform
among them. These pretensions appeared to have taken possession of the minds
of the young men in their aspirations. Three of them pretended to have received
commissions to preach, from the skies, after having jumped into the air as high
as they could. All these transactions were believed to be the Spirit of God, by the
whole congregation, which now numbered more than one hundred. -- That they
were honestly impelled by the same causes which have, on all ages of the world,
contributed so much to debase human nature, we have no doubt. One of the
young men referred to, freely acknowledged, some months afterwards, that he
new not what he did, for two or three weeks. -- Such is the mind of man, when
his reason is dethroned by
physical causes. One of these aerial commissions, which they all supposed was
signed and sealed by Christ himself, we here subjoin, verbatim:
"Oh my servant, there is a gre at work for you and the other two
of your brethren. I send a messenger to tell you where to go and
find a piece of parchment that shall contain these words: -- You
shall teach repentance and remission of sins to all who shall come
in the sound of your voice -- I command you that you do these
things in sincerity and in truth; and if you do, you shall be blessed.
-- The time is shortly acoming and is not far distant when you shall
be bound together for life -- the names of your brethren are
these: Burr Riggs and Edson Fuller, and if they are not faithful I will
choose another in their stead -- my work must be done. My
servants, you shall go forth from place to place, and if you are
true to your trust, they shall hear. Remember that I am the Lord
your God -- serve me above all others, and I will bless you, in the
end, Amen.
That that you had a messenger tell you to go and get the other
night, you must not show to any son of Adam. -- Obey this and I
will stand by you in all cases -- my servants, obey my
commandments in all cases, and I will provide.
| Be ye always ready, | whenever I shall
{ Be ye always call.
ready, }My Seal
| Be ye always
ready, |
There shall be something of greater importance revealed when I
shall call you to go -- my servants, be faithful over a few things,
and I will make you a ruler over many. -- Amen, Amen, Amen."
These commissions, they said, came on parchment, and they had only time to
copy them before they vanished from their sight. With such papers in their
pockets they actually went through the country, preaching, and made many
converts. Two or three afterwards obtained their reason, and left the concern.
All these things were afterwards pronounced by Smith to be the work of the
Devil, although more than one hundred had been converted to Mormonism, by
merely witnessing the exhibitions. They professed, at all times, their inability to
work miracles, but were secretly trying to perform them, and frequently
proclaimed their success. At a distance from the scene of action, many notable
miracles were circulated.
During these performances, it would be remembered, that Rigdon was not
present. In about three weeks after his conversion, he repaired to the bible
quarry, in the state of New York, in order to have a personal interview with the
prophet. Smith was prepared to receive him, of course; and a commandment was
soon fitted out for him, every way calculated to suit his case and vanity. This
being an important link in the chain of our history, we here transcribe it:
"A Commandment to Joseph and Sidney, Dec. 7. 1830: Saying,
listen to the voice of the Lord your God; I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end, whose course is one eternal round; the
same today as yesterday and forever. I am Jesus Christ, who was
crucified for the sins of the world, even as many as will believe on
my name, that they may become the sons of God, even on me as
I am in the father, as the father is in me, that we may become
Behold, verily, verily I say unto you my servant Sidney, I have
looked upon thee and thy works; I have heard thy prayers, and
have prepared thee for a greater work -- thou art blessed, for
thou shalt do great things. Behold thou wast sent forth, even as
John, to prepare the way before
me and Elijah which should come, and thou knewest it not -- thou
didst baptize by water unto repentance, but they received not the
Holy Ghost; but now I give unto you a commandment, that thou
shalt baptize by water, and give the Holy Ghost by laying on of
hands, even as the apostles of old. And it shall come to pass, that
there shall be a great work in the land even among the Gentiles,
for their folly and their abominations shall be made manifest in the
eyes of all nations: for I am God, and mine arm is not shortened,
and I will shew miracles, signs and wonders, unto all those who
believe on my name; and whosoever shall ask it in my name, in
faith, shall cast out Devils; they shall heal the sick, they shall
cause the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and
the dumb to speak, and the lame to walk; and the time speedily
cometh that great things are to come and be shown forth unto the
children of men; but without faith shall nothing be shown forth
except desolation and destruction upon Babylon, the same which
hath made all nations drink of the wine of their fornication, and
there are none that doeth good except them that are trying to
receive the fulness of my Gospel, which I have sent forth to this
generation. --
Wherefore, I have called upon the weak things, that they are
unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my
spirit, and their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and
their buckler; I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully
for me, and their enemies shall put be under their feet; and I will
let fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation
will I preserve them, and the poor and the meek shall have the
gospel preached to them, and they shall be looking forth for the
time of my coming, for it is nigh at hand, and they shall learn the
parable of the fig tree, for even now already, summer is nigh at
hand, and I have sent
forth the fullness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph,
and in meekness have I blessed him, and I have given unto him the
keys of the mysteries of those things which have been sealed,
even things which were from the foundation of the world, and the
things which shall come from this time until the time of my coming,
if he abide in me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead;
wherefore watch over him that his faith fail not; as it shall be
given by the comforter, the Holy Ghost, which knoweth all things.
And a commandment I give unto you, that thou shalt write for him,
and the scriptures shall be given, even as they are in mine own
bosom, to the salvation of mine own elect, for they will hear my
voice, and shall see me, and shall not be asleep, and shall abide
the day of my coming, for they be purified even as I am prepared,
and now, I say unto you, tarry with him and he shall journey with
thee -- forsake him not, and surely these things shall be fulfilled;
and inasmuch as ye do not write, behold it shall be given unto him
to prophecy, and thou shalt preach my gospel, and call on the Holy
Prophets to prove his words as they shall be given him. Keep all
the commandment and covenants by which ye are bound and I will
cause the Heavens to shake for your good, and Satan shall tremble
and Zion shall rejoice upon the hills and flourish, and Israel shall be
saved in mine own due time, and by the keys which I have given
shall they be led and no more be confounded. Lift your hearts and
be glad, for your redemption is nigh. Fear not, little flock, the
kingdom is yours until I come. Behold I come quickly; even so:
We before had Moses and Aaron in the persons of Smith and Cowdery, and we
now have John the Baptist, in the person of Sidney Rigdon. Their plans of
deception appear to have been more fully matured and developed after
the meeting of Smith and Rigdon. The latter being found very intimate with the
scriptures, a close reasoner, and as fully competent to make white appear black,
and black as white, as any other man; and at all times prepared to establish, to
the satisfaction of great numbers of people, the negative or affirmative, of any
and every question, from scripture, he was forthwith appointed to promulgate all
the absurdities and ridiculous pretentions of Mormonism, "and call on the Holy
Prophets to prove" all the words of Smith.
But the miraculous powers conferred upon him, we do not learn have yet been put
in requisition. It seems that the spirit had not, before the arrival of Rigdon, told
Smith any thing about the "promised land," or his removal to Ohio. It is, therefore,
very questionable, "what manner of spirit" it was which dictated most of the after
movements of the Prophet. The spirit of Rigdon, it must be presumed, however,
generally held sway; for a revelation was soon had, that Kirtland, the residence
of Rigdon and his brethren, was to be the eastern border of the "promised land,"
"and from thence to the Pacific Ocean." On this land the "New Jerusalem, the city
of Refuge," was to be built. Upon it, all true Mormons were to assemble, to
escape the destruction of the world, which was so soon to take place. The width
of this Mormon farm, we have not heard described. The revelation concerning the
promised labd, we have not been able to obtain a copy of; it is explained,
however, in the following letter from Rigdon, written to his brethren in Ohio, soon
after he became acquainted with the movements and designs of the prophet.
I send you this letter by John Whitmer. Receive him, for he is a
brother greatly beloved, and an Apostle of this church. With him
we send all the revelations which we have received; for the Lord
has declared unto us that you pray unto him that Joseph Smith
and myself go speedily
unto you; but at present it is not expedient for him to send us. He
has required of us, therefore, to send unto you out beloved
brother John, and with him the revelations which he has given unto
us, by which you will see the reason why we cannot come at this
time. The Lord has made known unto us, some of his great things,
which he has laid up for them that love him, among which the fact
(a glory of wonder it is) that you are living on the land of promise,
and that there is the place of gathering, and from that place to
the Pacific Ocean, God has dedicated to himself, not only in time,
but through eternity, and he has given it to us and our children,
not only while time lasts, but we shall have it again in eternity, as
you will see by one of the commandments, received day before
Therefore, be it known to you, brethren, that you are dwelling on
your own eternal inheritance; for which, cease not to give
ceaseless glory praise and thanksgiving to the God of Heaven. --
Yes, lift up your heads with joy, for the kingdom is ours till the
Savior comes, even so, Amen -- therefore, prepare your hearts to
receive salvation which God has sent unto you, knowing that they
have come from God; and know assuredly if you receive them, you
shall receive greater things, yes, things unspeakable and full of
glory -- "such as eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath
it entered into the heart of man to conceive," for our God hath in
visions shown it unto me. Therefore, I write with the greatest
certainty of these things which he hath prepared for us -- yes,
even us, forever, who receive the revelations of the last days, are
the very people of whom the prophets spoke, and the very saints
who shall rejoice with Jesus"!!!
This communication caused a great rejoicing in the congregation. They were then
residing upon their "eternal inheritance"!!! Rigdon tarried with Smith about two
months, receiving revelations, preaching in that vicinity,
and proving by the prophets that Mormonism was true, as he imagined. He then
returned to Kirtland, Ohio, being followed in a few days after by the prophet and
his connections. This being the "promised land," in it their long cherished hopes
and anticipations of "living without work" were to be realized. Thus, from almost
a state of beggary, the Smiths were immediately well furnished with the "fat of
the land" by their fanatical followers, many of whom were wealthy.