Answering Atheism Seminar (2)
Atheism is a Religion
The heading might shock a lot of atheists, since they feel atheism is the exact opposite of religion. The problem is "Atheists" really believe their system is based on fact while religion is based on faith. This is understandable because most atheists have been sold a false bill of goods. The don't understand this point. When an Atheist says there is no GOD, they "Believe" a Universe, matter and life came into being without an "Intelligent Cause", therefore the cause was an accident. This is a belief system, they have no scientific evidence it. Matter cannot be formed from nothing, nor is life randomly appearing from non-life.
This Seminar will help you explain to Atheists why they have a religion and they don't even know it.
Evolution vs. Adaptation
Evolution: (Macro-Evolution) Large scale changes requiring new information being introduced into the organism. New information is caused by “Mutation”. For example a lizard developing wings. This is fictional not proven in evolution, often micro-evolution (Adaptation) is used as proof of “Macro-evolution”. This is the bait and switch method, people acknowledge adaptation.. They assume Macro-evolution is the same.
Evolution: (Micro-Evolution) Small scale changes in the organism, changes coded within its genetic code. These changes are adaptations to its environment, for example the color of eyes, pigment, hair, size, etc. Dog, Coyote, Wolf and Fox are all from the same “Kind” with adaptation. Adaptation is verifiable with the “Scientific Method” and is often used falsely as proof of “Macro-Evolution”.
Piltown Man Fraud
Atheist make a big deal about science proving God does not exist and that “Humanity” is descended from “Apes”. Many people accept this as fact without question, before you accept it as fact you should spend some time and look up the hoax of Piltdown Man.
Piltdown man was “discovered” in 1912 and hailed as a link to our past, in 1953 it was revealed Piltdown was a fraud. The great anthropologists of the day were duped by this fraud for 40-years. It was hailed as a great scientific discovery, taught in universities and high schools as evidence of evolution. Sir Arthur Keith hailed as the greatest anthropologist of his day was regarded as an “Expert” on Piltdown Man (a.k.a. Dawson's Man)
What went wrong? “Objective” Scientists were more interested in convincing you the masses that “Evolution” was true then they were in facts. They felt justified to lie. Today few people know about Piltdown man, because it exposes the lie that Science is only “Objective”.
The Faith System of Atheism
The Faith System of Atheism
Bible Prophecy Zechariah 12:2-3
2500 years ago Zechariah (prophet in the Bible) foretold a day when all the nations of the world would be gathered against Jerusalem. He wrote in 520 B.C., when Jerusalem was a city destroyed by Babylon in 586 B.C.
The Bible foretells the gathering of Jews back into Israel in the “Last Days”/
Today because of Islam and Judaism’s claim to the Temple Mount site, Jerusalem finds itself the focus of world attention.
How did a guy living 2500 years ago know the whole world would be focused on Jerusalem?
2 “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. Zechariah 12:2-3 (520 B.C.)