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first declaration in becoming a Muslim is to
acknowledge there is no God but Allah and that
Mohammad is His prophet. From the beginning,
Allah’s name is next to “the prophet”.
Mohammad claims he received a revelation from
the God of Abraham, through Gabriel. This
revelation is contained in the pages of the
Quran. Muslims believe in Heaven there is an
identical book to the Quran, written in Arabic.
Over time, and through intervals, Gabriel
delivered the Quran to Mohammad over 22-years
(A.D. 610-632). This revelation is the literal
“Word of God” a copy of the same book in Heaven.
2 This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without
doubt, to those who fear Allah; 3 Who believe in
the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend
out of what We have provided for them; 4 And
who believe in the Revelation sent to thee,
and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts)
have the assurance of the Hereafter. Surah 2
97 Say: whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - for he brings down
the (revelation) to they heart by Allah's will,
a confirmation of what went before, and guidance
and glad tidings for those who believe –
Surah 2:97
The Quran claims to be a book
like the Torah (Books of Moses) reveled to
Moses, but to the Quran is for the rest of
Mankind. Moses and Jesus came to the Jews, but
Mohammad came for everybody else.
87 We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with asuccession of Messengers; we gave Jesus,
the son of Mary, clear (Signs) and strengthened
him with the Holy Spirit. Is it that whenever
there comes to you a Messenger with what ye
yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with
pride? Some ye called impostors, and others ye
slay! 89 And when there comes to them a Book
from Allah, confirming what is with them -
although from of old they had prayed for victory
against those without Faith - when there comes
to them that which they (should) have
recognized. They refuse to believe in it but the
curse of Allah is on those without Faith.
Surah 2:87-89
The Quran claims those who reject
the Allah and Mohammad are doomed to eternity in
63 Know they not that for those who oppose Allah and His
Messenger, is the Fire of Hell?- Wherein they
shall dwell. That is the supreme disgrace.
Surah 9:63
The Quran has several claims that need
examination by anyone who is a Muslim or
considering Islam as “Truth”.
Is the Quran a revelation from the God of
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses?
Is Mohammad a Messenger (Prophet) of the God
of the Bible?
Should those who reject Mohammad as a
prophet fear Hell?
How can the claims of Mohammad and
the Quran be evaluated to answer these
questions. Since Islam claims to be a
continuation of Abraham’s faith, and identical
to what was revealed before, we can compare the
revelations of these former prophets with the
Quran, the revelation given to Mohammed.
The test of a prophet
Before Moses died, the Lord
proclaimed He would reveal His word, through
prophets. It was the responsibility of the
people to listen to the words of these prophets,
because they were His words. God also provided a
test, to determine if a prophet was a “true
prophet” or a “false prophet”.
This Test of a Prophet can be
applied to the Quran, since it claims to be
prophetic utterance, revealed by the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
21 "And if you say in your heart, 'How shall
we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?'22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the
thing does not happen or come to pass, that isthe thing which the Lord has not spoken;
the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you
shall not be afraid of him. Deuteronomy 18:21-22
The word of the prophet is to be
compared to reality, if what “the prophet” says
does not come to pass, then his revelation is
not from God. If it can be demonstrated the
prophet proclaimed errors, then the prophet is
not from God. Furthermore, we are told to not
fear the prophet, or his proclamations. False
prophets operate under the power of fear, the
fear of disobeying God, Mohammed proclaimed,
those who oppose him, as Allah’s messenger, face
the fire of hell. God through this test
wants to free people from the power of false
Strategy to Reach Muslims
To reach Muslims with the Gospel, it
is important to make a distinction between
Christianity and Islam. Muslims need to
understand that both Islam and Christianity
cannot be true. Logically it is impossible,
they both have diametrically opposed beliefs.
Therefore, the questions will always come too:
Ø Is Mohammad a prophet?
Ø Is the Quran God’s revelation to Mohammad?
Christians do not accept Mohammad
as a prophet nor do we accept the Quran as God’s
word, since both Mohammad and the Quran fail
the test of a prophet. However, to create
the opportunity to answer the question, “Is
Mohammad a prophet?” and “Is the Quran his
word?” it is important to draw the distinction
between the two. For example Muslims, will
often site their acceptance as Jesus as a
prophet of Islam. Christians can use this as an
opportunity to share the Gospel by comparing the
Jesus of Islam to the Jesus of the Bible. This
often leads to the discussion of what is “God’s
word” and “who is a prophet”?
A Different
One of the first questions we can
ask about Islam is whether the Jesus of Islam
is the same as the Jesus of the Bible.
When we examine the identity of the Jesus of the
Bible (Ingil) and the Jesus of the Quran and
Islam we find they cannot be the same. Though
there are similarities, the differences between
these two individuals do not logically allow
them both to be the same Jesus.
The Jesus of Islam and Christianity
have some similarities, which could confuse many
to assume they are the same person. Both the
Jesus of Christianity and Islam share these
Their mother is Mary.
Their birth is miraculous, a virgin who
They are both sinless.
They are both considered prophets.
They both do miracles, healing blind and
raising the dead.
They both have the ability to create.
However, the difference between them
will demonstrate it is impossible for them to
share the same identity. The difference between
the Jesus of Christianity and Islam are these.
Jesus of Christianity |
Jesus of Islam |
Son of God |
Not Son of God |
Died on the Cross |
Did not die on the Cross |
Rose again on the third day |
Will return to earth to die and be
resurrected |
Born in a manger, because of crowding at
the Inn |
Born under a Palm tree in deserted place |
Will return to the earth to Rule for
eternity |
Will return to earth to marry, die and
be buried next to Mohammad in Medina. |
Will return to earth with the Angels to
be worshipped as King of the Earth,
ruling from Jerusalem over the nation of
Israel (The Jews) and the world, |
Will return to earth to proclaim Islam
and kill Christians, Jews, and those who
call him God, Jews will no longer exist. |
We can only logically draw three conclusions from the facts
regarding the Jesus of Islam and the Jesus of
Christianity (The Bible). Only three options
are available to anyone who is considering the
Jesus of Christianity or Islam.
Islam is right
Christianity is right
Both are wrong
However, it is impossible for both options be
true, because the characteristics are
diametrically opposed to each other.
Therefore, we can conclude that both the Bible
and the Quran cannot be true. Since their
revelation, contradict each other.
Bible |
Islam |
Place of Birth
The Jesus of the Bible is born in a
manger of an Inn at Bethlehem
The I’sa (Jesus) of Islam is born
under a palm tree |
6. So it was that while they were
there, the days were
completed for her to
be delivered. |
7. And she brought forth her
firstborn Son, and
wrapped Him in
swaddling cloths,
and laid Him in a
manger, because
there was no room
for them in the inn.
Luke 2:6-7 |
So she conceived him, And she
retired with him to a remote place.
23 And the pains of childbirth drove
her to the trunk Of a palm tree: She
cried (in her anguish): Ah! would
that I had died before this! would
that I had been a thing forgotten
and out of sight! 24 But (a voice)
cried to her from beneath the (palm
tree): grieve not! for thy Lord hath
provided a rivulet beneath thee; 25
And shake towards thyself The trunk
of the palm tree: It will let fall
fresh ripe dates upon thee. 26 So
eat and drink And cool (thine) eye.
And if thou dost see Any man, say, I
have Vowed a fast to (Allah) Most
Gracious, and this day Will I enter
into no talk With any human being Surah 19:22-26 |
Circumstances around birth
The New born Jesus of Islam
preaches to village after Mary
brings him into the village
New Born baby is silent. |
28 O sister of Aaron! Thy father was
not A man of evil, nor thy mother a
woman unchaste! 29 But she pointed
to the babe. They said: How can we
talk to one who is a child in the
cradle? 30 He said: I am indeed A
servant of Allah: He hath given me
revelation and made me A prophet; 31
And He hath made me blessed
wheresoever I be, And hath enjoined
on me prayer and Charity as long As
I live; 32 (He) hath made me kind
To my mother, and not overbearing or
miserable; 33 So peace is on me The
day I was born, the day that I die,
and the day that I shall be raised
up to life (again)! Surah
19:28-33 |
The Jesus of the Bible is both
man and “Son of God”
The Jesus of Islam is just a man
"He who believes in Him is not
condemned; but he who does not
believe is condemned already,
because he has not believed in the
name of the only begotten Son of
God. John 3:18
When Jesus came into the region of
Caesarea Philippi, He asked His
disciples, saying, "Who do men say
that I, the Son of Man, am?"
Matthew 16:13 |
Christ, the son of Mary, was no more
than a Messenger; many were the
Messengers that passed away before
him. His mother was a woman of
truth. They had both to eat their
(daily) food. See how Allah doth
make his Signs clear to them; yet
see in what ways they are deluded
away from the truth! Surah 5:75
Such (was) Jesus the son Of Mary:
(it is) a statement of truth, about
which they (vainly) dispute. 35 It
is not befitting To (the majesty of)
Allah that He should beget a son.
Glory be to him! when he determines
a matter, He only says To it, be,
and it is. Surah 19:34-35 |
The crucifixion
The Jesus of the Bible died on the
Cross and was resurrected 3 day
The Jesus of Islam never died on the
cross but was taken up into heaven
and a fantom (Ghost) was crucified
in his place.
Now it was about the sixth hour, and there
was darkness over all the
earth until the ninth hour. |
Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of
the temple was torn in two. |
And when Jesus had cried out with a loud
voice, He said, "Father,
'into Your hands I commit My
spirit.' " Having said this,
He breathed His last. |
So when the centurion saw
what had happened, he
glorified God, saying,
"Certainly this was a
righteous Man!" Luke 23:
44-47 |
157 That they said (in boast), "We
killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary,
the Messenger of Allah"- but they
killed him not, nor crucified him,
but so it was made to appear to
them, and those who differ therein
are full of doubts, with no
(certain) knowledge, but only
conjecture to follow, for of a
surety they killed him not- 158 Nay,
Allah raised him up unto Himself;
and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise-Surah 4;157-158 |
2nd Coming
The Jesus of Bible is going to come
in glory with the Angels and judge
the nations in righteousness.
The Jesus of Islam will come and
kill all the Jews and Christians,
live 40 years get married and die. |
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and
all the holy angels with
Him, then He will sit on the
throne of His glory. |
"All the nations will be gathered before Him,
and He will separate them
one from another, as a
shepherd divides his sheep
from the goats. Matthew
25:31-32 |
"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear
in heaven, and then all the
tribes of the earth will
mourn, and they will see the
Son of Man coming on the
clouds of heaven with power
and great glory. |
31 "And He will send His angels with a great
sound of a trumpet, and they
will gather together His
elect from the four winds,
from one end of heaven to
the other. Matthew
24:30-31 |
So peace is on me The day I was
born, the day that I die, and the
day that I shall be raised up to
life (again)! Surah 19:33
Narrated Abu Huraira: Then Allah's
Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands
my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will
shortly descend amongst you people
(Muslims) as a just ruler and will
break the Cross and kill the pig and
abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from
the non-Muslims, who are in the
protection of the Muslim
government). Then there will be
abundance of money and nobody will
accept charitable gifts" (3:233-34;
34.104.425). Hadith |
Similarities: |
Mothers name
Jesus mother’s name was Mary
the birth of Jesus Christ was as
follows: After His mother Mary was
betrothed to Joseph, before they
came together, she was found with
child of the Holy Spirit. Matthew
1:18 |
45 Behold! the angels said: "O Mary!
Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a
Word from Him: his name will be
Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held
in honour in this world and the
Hereafter and of (the company of)
those nearest to Allah; Sura
Virgin Birth
Jesus was conception was miraclaouls. |
29Butwhen she saw him,
she was troubled at his saying, and
considered what manner of greeting
this was. 30Then the
angel said to her, “Do not be
afraid, Mary, for you have found
favor with God. 31And
behold, you will conceive in your
womb and bring forth a Son, and
shall call His name
Jesus. ….35And the
angel answered and said to her, “The
Holy Spirit will come upon you, and
the power of the Highest will
overshadow you; therefore, also,
that Holy One who is to be born will
be called the Son of God. Luke
1:25-31,35 |
45 Behold! the angels said: "O Mary!
Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a
Word from Him: his name will be
Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held
in honour in this world and the
Hereafter and of (the company of)
those nearest to Allah; 46 He shall
speak to the people in childhood and
in maturity. And he shall be (of the
company) of the righteous. 47 She
said: "O my Lord! how shall I have a
son when no man hath touched me?" He
said: "Even so: Allah createth what
He willeth: when He hath decreed a
Plan, He but saith to it, 'Be', and
it is! Surah 3:45-47 |
Jesus had a sinless nature |
“He committed no sin, “ 1Peter 2:
“He knew no sin, “ II Corinthians
5: 21
“ In Him there is no sin, “ I
John 3:5
19 He said: "Nay, I am only a
messenger from thy Lord, (to
announce) to thee the gift of a holy
son." 20 She said: "How shall I have
a son, seeing that non man has
touched me and I am not unchaste?" Surah 19:19-20 |
Jesus Creates
The Jesus of the Islam creates life |
one of them struck the servant of
the high priest and cut off his
right ear.
51But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.” And He touched
his ear and healed him. Luke
“ I have come to you with a sign
from your Lord in that I create for
you out of clay as it were, the
figure of a bird, and breathe into
it, and it becomes a bird, by God’s
leave.” Surah 3:49.
A prophet
Jesus of Islam is just a prophet
after the two days He departed from
there and went to Galilee. 44For
Jesus Himself testified that a
prophet has no honor in his own
country. 45So when He
came to Galilee, the Galileans
received Him, having seen all the
things He did in Jerusalem at the
feast; for they also had gone to the
feast. John 1:43-45
75 Christ, the son of Mary, was no
more than a Messenger; many were the
Messengers that passed away before
him. His mother was a woman of
truth. They had both to eat their
(daily) food. See how Allah doth
make his Signs clear to them; yet
see in what ways they are deluded
away from the truth! Surah 5:75 |
Jesus the Word of God
Jesus is called Word of God |
the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was
God. 2He was in the
beginning with God. Surah John
1:1-2 |
“Behold!” the angels said: Q Mary!
God giveth thee gland tiding of A
Word from Him: his name will be
Christ Jesus, the Son of Mary, held
in honor in this world and the
Hereafter and of (the company of)
those nearest to God.” Surah
Jesus Healed |
43Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice,
“Lazarus, come forth!” 44And
he who had died came out bound hand
and foot with graveclothes, and his
face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus
said to them, “Loose him, and let
him go.” John 11:43-45
“and I heal those born blind, and
the lepers, and I quicken the dead.
By god’s leave. “ Sura 3: 49. |
What is the source of these differences?
Most Muslims will answer the reason there are differences
between the Jesus of the Bible and the
Quran/Islam ibecause Christian corrupted the
message given to Jesus and Mohammed was
restoring this corrupted message through the
The Quran was compiled after Mohammad after came into contact
with “Gabriel”, in A.D. 610, when Mohammad was
forty-years old. If the Bible was corrupted,
there is no mention of its corruption in the
Quran. In fact, there are entire copies of both
the Old and New Testaments dating hundreds of
years before his birth and “Revelation”. TheChester Beatty Papyrus, dated A.D. 200,
existed over 400-years before Mohammad’s first
meeting with “Gabriel”. Codex Sinaticus
and Codex Vaticanus 2 nearly
complete copies of the scriptures, including
both the Old and New Testaments, dated A.D. 350,
existed 200 years before Mohammad’s birth.
The Quran makes an appeal to those who seek confirmation
about its scriptural integrity to look at the
former revelations. (Surah’s 34:31,35:31,
12:111, 6:154-157, 40:69-70, 46:12, 46:29-30,
2:91, 3:3, 4:162-163, 5:51)
37 This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than
Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation
of (revelations) that went before it, and a
fuller explanation of the book wherein there is
no doubt from the Lord of the worlds. Surah
111 Allah hath purchased of the Believers their persons and
their goods; for their (in return) is the Garden
(of Paradise): they fight in His Cause, and slay
and are slain: a promise binding on Him in
Truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the
Quran and who is more faithful to his Covenant
than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye
have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.
Surah 9:111
Nowhere, does the Quran claim the Bible (Torah, Ingil, and
has or was corrupted in Mohammad’s day. The
reason Muslims claim the Bible is corrupted is
because of the incredible differences between
the books, the Bible and Quran. Mohammad
thought his revelation was truly the same as the
Bible, he was in fact “wrong”. The Bible needs
to be corrupted, for the Quran to be true for
Muslim apologists.
What is the source for the Jesus of Islam?
The sources for the Muslim Jesus
can be traced to the influences in Mohammad’s
Arabia. Arabia became the refuge for people
escaping the oppression of Byzantium and Persia.
Many of the heretical movements fled to Arabia,
taking with them their books and teachings.
Among these heretical groups, are the Gnostics
and Manicheans.
In the Quran, we see Gnostic
influences on Islam, Basilides a Gnostic teacher
of the 2nd century, also believed and
taught Jesus did not die on the cross.
Gnostic Doctrine |
The Qur’an |
Wherefore he did not himself suffer
death, but Simon, a certain man of
Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross
in his stead; so that this latter
being transfigured by him, that he might
be thought to be Jesus, was
crucified, through ignorance and error,
while Jesus himself received the form
of Simon, and, standing by, laughed
at them. For since he was an incorporeal
power, and the Nous (mind) of the unborn
father, he transfigured himself as he
pleased, and thus ascended to him who
had sent him, deriding them,
inasmuch as he could not be laid hold
of, and was invisible to all….. If any
one, therefore, he declares, confesses
the crucified, that man is still a
slave, and under the power of those who
formed our bodies; but he who denies
him has been freed from these
beings, and is acquainted with the
dispensation of the unborn father.
And for their saying, "Verily we have slain the Messiah, Jesus the son
of Mary, an Apostle of God." Yet they
slew him not, and they crucified him
not, but they had only his likeness.
And they who differed about him were in
doubt concerning him: No sure knowledge
had they about him, but followed only an
opinion, and they did not really slay
him, but God took him up to Himself.
And God is Mighty, Wise!
Surah 4:157
Gnostic Jesus |
Muslim Jesus |
Ø Gnostic god prevented Jesus from dying
Ø Jesus transformed himself
Ø Simon of Cyrene was made to look like Jesus
Ø Denies the crucifixion |
Ø Allah prevented Jesus from dying
Ø Jesus transformed himself
Ø Judas or another was made to look like Jesus
Ø Denies the crucifixion |
As the Gnostics, Nestorians and
other heretical Christian groups were forced out
the Byzantine Empire they established themselves
in the deserts of Arabia. Their teachings and
“Gnostic works” circulated in Arabia, which was
not known to have an Arabic translation of the
Gospel (Ingil).
We can also see Infancy Gospel of
Thomas, another heretical work which made
its way into the Quran and was translated into
Arabic. In this “false gospel” account, Jesus
is seen creating clay birds and bringing them to
life. In this same work, Jesus turns a child
into a “Withered Tree” and calls him an “impious
ignoramus”. Later Jesus kills a child who
accidentally bumps him in the shoulder. This
book is a false work written about 150 A.D.,
claiming to be written by Thomas the Israelite.
The account of the birds creation, has found its
way into the Quran.
In addition to these false works we
can also the Manichean influence in Islam, Mani
(216-270 A.D.) a Persian painter and “Prophet”
made many claims similar to Mohammad, but only
400 years earlier. Mani was an Eastern Gnostic,
who combined Christian, Buddhist, Persian and
Zoroastrian teachings into a belief system. His
followers were persecuted in Persia and like the
Nestorians and other heretical Christian groups,
they fled into Arabia. These would then have
an influence on Mohammad years later.
Mani (216-270 A.D.) |
Mohammed (570-632 (A.D.) |
Called himself Apostle |
Called himself Apostle |
Called himself “Last Prophet” |
Called himself “Last Prophet” |
Salvation by obedience to his
“System” |
Salvation by following Mohammad. |
Claimed continuous revelation |
Claimed continuous revelation |
Claims Jesus spoke of him in John
14:16 “Paraclete” |
Claims Jesus spoke of him in John
14:16 “Paraclete” |
Angelic messenger revealed message
“The Twin” |
Angel Gabriel revealed message. |
Followers forbidden to drink wine |
Followers forbidden to drink wine. |
The influences on Mohammad’s formation of Islam is not
limited to Gnostics but several areas of
influence can be clearly seen in the
“Revelations” to Mohammad. These other sources
Pagan Arab customs
Heretical Christian Sources
Jewish Sources
Zoroastrian Sources
Hanefite influces
Sources of the
Pagan Arab Sources
Once a year, during the Muslim month of Ramadan
(Last month of the Muslim year), from the 7th
to the 12th day, millions of Muslims
converge on the city of Mecca to fulfill the
Muslim requirement of Hajj. Once in their
lifetime Muslims are required (If able) to go
the city of Mecca, this is one of the “Five
Pillars of Islam”. In Mecca, Muslims perform
several rites including circling the Kaaba seven
times, kissing the black stone, running between
the mountains, throwing stones at Satan, most of
these rites were performed before the birth of
Mohammed and are pagan in origin.
When the pilgrim is about 6 miles (10 km) from Mecca, he
enters the state of holiness and purity known as
ihram (q.v.) and dons the ihram garments,
consisting of two white seamless sheets that are
wrapped around the body. The pilgrim cuts
neither his hair nor his nails until the
pilgrimage rite is over. He enters Mecca and
walks seven times around the sacred shrine
called the Kabah, in the Great Mosque, kisses or
touches the Black Stone (Ḥajar al-Aswad) in the Kaʿbah, prays twice in the direction of
the Maqām Ibrāhīm and the Kabah, and runs seven
times between the minor prominences of Mount
Ṣafā and Mount Marwah. On the 7th of Dhū al-Ḥijjah the pilgrim is reminded of his duties. At the second
stage of the ritual, which takes place between
the 8th and the 12th days of the month, the
pilgrim visits the holy places outside
Mecca—Jabal ar-Raḥmah,
Muzdalifah, Minā—and sacrifices an animal in
commemoration of Abraham's sacrifice. The
pilgrim's head is then usually shaved, and,
after throwing seven stones at each of the three
pillars at Minā on three successive days (the
pillars exemplify various devils), he returns to
Mecca to perform the farewell
or circling, of the Kabah before leaving the
These rites pagan rites were incorporated within
the Islamic faith, this allowed the pagan Arab
to keep much of the traditions they had but new
meaning was attached to the rites.
Quranic Source: Arab Customs |
Source |
Response |

The Kaba:
Dates from pre-Islamic times and housed
360 idols before Mohammad day. The
earliest record of th Kaba is dated to
60 BC and is recorded by Diodorus
Siculus (Book iii)
97. Allah hath appointed the Ka'bah, the
Sacred House, a standard for mankind,
and the Sacred Month and the offerings
and the garlands. That is so that ye may
know that Allah knoweth whatsoever is in
the heavens and whatsoever is in the
earth, and that Allah is Knower of all
things. Surah 5:97
The Muslims claim Adam first built the
Kaba, and Abraham and Ishmael rebuilt
it. The Bible
tells us Ishmael was sent away and there
is has no record of Abraham going to
Mecca. According to the Bible, God
established his Covenant with Isaac “son
of Sarah” at Mt. Moriah (Jerusalem), not
Mecca. Isaac is referred to as “Your
only son”
the Angel of the
Lord called to Abraham a second
time out of heaven, 16and
said: “By Myself I have sworn, says the
Lord, because you have done this
thing, and have not withheld your son,
your only son—17blessing
I will bless you, and multiplying I will
multiply your descendants as the stars
of the heaven and as the sand which
is on the seashore; and your
descendants shall possess the gate of
their enemies. Genesis 22:15-17 |
Kissing the Black Stone
The kissing of the Black stone pre-dates
Islam. The black stone is meteorite
that was worshipped in the days prior to
Islam. This practice has continued to
this day and is incorporated within
Islam. People either Kiss or wave at the
stone. The animistic nature of the stone
is revealed in the Hadith by Ibn Abbas. |
'Umar bin Al-Khattab's
Hadith, may Allah be pleased with him.
It is reported:
'Umar bin Al-Khattab,
may Allah be pleased with him, kissed
the (Black) Stone and then said: By
Allah, I know that you are a stone and
if I had not seen Allah's Messenger (may
peace be upon him) kissing you, I would
not have kissed you.
Hadith number
in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 2228
Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with
him) further related that the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on
the Day of Judgment, and it will have
two eyes with which it will see and a
tongue with which it will speak, and it
will testify in favor of those who
touched it in sincerity.” (At-Tirmidhi,Sunan)
The Muslim claim the Black stone came
down from paradise and was white but
became black from sins.
The worship of meteorites was a common
practice by pagans. This was the
practice of pre-Islamic Arabia; the
custom of the Black stone was
incorporated within Islam. A similar
event is recorded in the book of Acts.
when the city clerk had quieted the
crowd, he said: “Men of Ephesus, what
man is there who does not know that the
city of the Ephesians is temple guardian
of the great goddess Diana, and of theimage which fell down from Zeus?Acts 19:35
Jewish Sources of Islam
When Mohammed fled from Mecca, in
September of 622 A.D., he arrived in Yathrob
(Medina) 280 miles to the north. The city was
founded by three Jewish tribes and had a
significant Jewish influence on the formation of
Islam. Mohammad claimed to be the person the
Arab tribesman of Medina were looking for
fulfilling the expectation created by the Jewish
tribes of the coming of the Messiah. Muslims
will often cite Deuteronomy 18:18-19 as
referring to Mohammad.
18 |
'I will raise up for them a Prophet like you
from among their brethren, and will put
My words in His mouth, and He shall
speak to them all that I command Him. |
19 |
'And it shall be that whoever will not hear My
words, which He speaks in My name, I
will require it of him.
Deuteronomy 18:18-19 |
The fact that this verse clearly
states the prophet will be from “among their
brethren” meaning an Israelite, since the
children of Israel were gathered and about ready
to enter the promised land, and Moses was giving
them final instruction in the book of
Mohammed appealed to the Jews of Medina of his
prophet hood and felt confident the words he was
proclaiming was the same as the Torah. The Jews
rejected him and his claims of prophet hood,
this angered Mohammad as can be seen in the
64. The Jews say: Allah's hand is fettered.
Their hands are fettered and they are accursed
for saying so. Nay, but both His hands are
spread out wide in bounty. He bestoweth as He
will. That which bath been revealed unto thee
from thy Lord is certain to increase the
contumacy and disbelief of many of them, and We
have cast among them enmity and hatred till the
Day of Resurrection. As often as they light a
fire for war, Allah extinguisheth it. Their
effort is for corruption in the land, and Allah
loveth not corrupters.. Surah 5:64
The stories and sources of much of what Mohammad
cited and felt were in the Torah (5 books of
Moses) were 2nd-5th
Century A.D. writings
of rabbinical Judaism.
The sources would have been available in Medina,
or people familiar with these stories would have
been able to rehearse the words to Mohammad who
incorporated them into the Quran.
Story |
Quran Verse |
Source |
Cain and Abel
The only difference between the
story in the Quran and Pirke Rabbi
Eleazer is rather then burying then
raven showing Cain it showed Adam
how to bury Abel.
Verse 32 in the Quran then quotes
from the Mishnah about the blood of
one killed. |
27 Recite to them the truth of the
story of the two sons of Adam.
Behold they each presented a
sacrifice (to Allah): it was
accepted from one, but not from the
other. Said the latter: be sure I
will slay thee. Surely, said the
former, Allah doth accept of the
sacrifice of those who are
righteous. 28 If thou dost stretch
thy hand against me, to slay me, it
is not for me to stretch my hand
against thee to slay thee: for I do
fear Allah, the Cherisher of the
worlds. 29 For me, I intend to let
thee draw on thyself my sin as well
as thine, for thou wilt be among the
companions of the fire, and that is
the reward of those who do wrong, 30
The (selfish) soul of the other led
him to the murder of his brother: he
murdered him, and became (himself)
one of the lost ones.
31 Then Allah sent a raven,
who scratched the ground, to show
him how to hid the shame of his
brother. Woe is me said he; was I
not even able to be as this raven,
and to hide the shame of my brother?
then he became full of regrets- 32
On that account: We ordained for the
Children of Israel that if any one
slew a person- unless it be for
murder or for spreading mischief in
the land- it would be as if he slew
the whole people: and if any one
saved a life, it would be as if he
saved the life of the whole people.
Then although there came to them Our
Messengers with Clear Signs, yet,
even after that, many of then
continued to commit excesses in the
land. Surah
5:27-32 |
Pirke Rabbi Eleazer
(A.D. 150-200)
Adam and Eve, sitting by the corpse
( of Abel) wept not knowing what to
do, for they had as yet no knowledge
of burial. A Raven coming up, took
the dead body of its fellow (mate),
and having scratched up the earth,
buried it thus before their eyes.
Adam said, “Let us follow the
example of the Raven,” and so taking
p Abel’s body buried it at once.
Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5
We find in the case of Cain who
murdered his brother; the voice of
they brother’s blood cries (Genesis
4:10). It is not said here blood in
the singular, but bloods in the
pluaral. That is, his own blood and
the blood of his seed. Man was
created single in order to show that
to him who kills a single individual
(a human being) it shall be reckoned
(counted) that he has slain the
whole race; but to him who preserves
the life of a single individual, it
is counted that he has slain the
whole race; but to him who preserves
the life of a single individual, it
is counted thate he has preserved
the whole race |
Heretical Christian Sects
The Christians in the Arabia were a
collection of groups that had sought refuge from
Byzantine persecution because of heretical
beliefs. These included the Gnostics and
Nestorians whose writings found their way into
the Quran. Very little of the Quran contains
anything from the New Testament. However, the
Quran does contain stories of heretical
Christian sects that were in the Arabian
Story |
Quran |
The Story of the Seven Sleepers.
This story from Gergory of Tours was
merely to illustrate the point of the
rapidity which the Gospel spread by the
grace of the Holy Spirit and the Martyrs
blood. Christians did not believe the
story was true. |
9 Or dost thou reflect that the
companions of the cave and of the
inscription were wonders among our
Signs? 10 Behold, the youths betook
themselves to the cave: they said, our
Lord bestow on us mercy from thyself,
and dispose of our affair for us in the
right way 11 Then we draw (a veil) over
their ears, for a number of years, in
the cave, (so that they heard not): 12
Then we roused them, in order to test
which of the two parties was best at
calculating the term of years they had
tarried 13 We relate to thee their story
in truth: they were youths who believed
in their Lord, and we advanced them in
guidance: 14 We gave strength to their
hearts: behold, they stood up and said;
our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and
of the earth: never shall we call upon
any god other than him: if we did, we
should indeed have uttered an enormity
15 These our people have taken for
worship gods other than him: why do they
not bring forward an authority clear
(and convincing) for what they do? who
doth more wrong than such as invent a
falsehood against Allah? 16 When ye turn
away from them and the things they
worship other than Allah, betake
yourself to the cave: your Lord will
shower his mercies on you and dispose of
your affair towards comfort and ease. 17
Thou wouldst have seen the sun, when it
rose, declining to the right from their
cave, and when it set, turning away from
them to the left, while they lay in the
open space in the midst of the cave.
Such are among the Signs of Allah: he
whom Allah guides is rightly guided; but
he whom Allah leaves to stray, for him
wilt thou find no protector to lead him
to the right way. 18 Thou wouldst have
deemed them awake, whilst they were
asleep, and we turned them on their
right and on their left sides: their dog
stretching forth his two fore legs on
the threshold: if thou hadst come up on
to them, thou wouldst have certainly
turned back from them in flight, and
wouldst certainly have been filled with
terror of them. 19 Such (being their
state), we raised them up (from sleep),
that they might question each other.
Said one of them, how long have ye
stayed (here)? they said, we have stayed
(perhaps) a day, or part of a day. (at
length) they (all) said, Allah (alone)
knows best how long ye have stayed here.
Now send ye then one of you with this
money of yours to the town: let him find
out which is the best food (to be had)
and bring some to you, that (ye may)
satisfy your hunger therewith: and let
him behave with care and courtesy, and
let him not inform any one about you. 20
For if they should come upon you, they
would stone you or force you to return
to their cult, and in that case ye would
never attain prosperity. 21 Thus did we
make their case known to the people,
that they might know that the promise of
Allah is true, and that there can be no
doubt about the hour of judgment.
Behold, they dispute among themselves as
to their affair. (some) said, construct
a building over them: their Lord knows
best about them: those who prevailed
over their affair said, let us surely
build a place of worship over them. 22
(Some) say they were three, the dog
being the fourth among them; (others)
say they were five, the dog being the
sixth, doubtfully guessing at the
unknown; (yet others) say they were
seven, the dog being the eighth. Say
thou: my Lord knoweth best their number;
it is but few that know their (real
case). Enter not, therefore, into
controversies concerning them, except on
a matter that is clear, nor consult any
of them about (the affair of) the
sleepers. 23 Nor say of anything, I
shall be sure to do so and so to morrow
24 Without adding, so please Allah and
call thy Lord to mind when thou
forgettest, and say, I hope that my Lord
will guide me ever closer (even) than
this to the right road.25 So they stayed
in their cave three hundred years, and
(some) add nine (more) Surah 18:
8-250 |
Latin work of Gregory of Tours
The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
This story refers to the time during the
reign of Emperor Decius (249-251 A.D.),
when Christians were terribly
persecuted, and every effort was made to
destroy the faith. To escape with their
lives, seven men of Ephesus took refuge
in a Cave near their city, and fell
asleep for 200 years, till the reign of
Theodorus II. (447 A.D.). On awaking,
one of them ventured into and was
overcome with amazement to find the
Christians fiath triumphant over all
other religions. The Cross once the
sighn of shame and disgrace, now the
crown of the Emperor, and the mark of
the Empire; and nearly the whole people
of the land turned Christians. |
The Quran is claimed to be a copy of an
identical book that is being revealed in Heaven.
If this were the case, there should not be any
errors in the book. This is not the case, there
are some very significant errors, these errors
are clear to those familiar with Christianity or
Error |
Quran Verse |
Ezra Son of God
30 The Jews call Uzair (Ezra) a son of
Allah, and the Christians call Christ
the son of Allah. That is a saying from
their mouth; (in this) they but imitate
what the Unbelievers of old used to say.
Allah's curse be on them: how they are
deluded away from the truth Surah
9:30 |
The Jews never worshipped Ezra as the
Son the God. This is a clear Error in
the Quran
changing one verse for another verse |
. None of Our revelations do We abrogate
or cause to be forgotten but We
substitute something better or similar;
knowest thou not that Allah hath power
over all things? Surah: 2:106
101 When we substitute one revelation
for another, and Allah knows best what
he reveals (in stages), they say, thou
art but a forger: but most of them
understand not. Surah 16:101 |
The doctrine of Abrogation
Is the doctrine that Allah gave to
Mohammad alternate verses in place of
other verses. This doctrine was needed
to calm concerns. The Satanic Verse
and the Direction of Prayer
caused concerns that needed to be
addressed. Abrogation which allowed
verses to changed answered this fear.
In other words, Allah changed his mind.
This justified Mohammad changing his
revelation |
Satanic Verses
In order to get the people of Mecca to
accept his Prophet-hood Mohammad he
allowed the prayer to the daughters of
Allah. Al Lat, Uzza, and Manat.
Pagan Arabs welcomed this but Muslims
were upset. |
19 Have ye seen Lat, and Uzza, 20 And
another, the third (goddess), Manat? 21
What! For you the male sex, and for Him,
the female? 22 Behold, such would be
indeed a division most unfair! 23 These
are nothing but names which ye have
devised, ye and your fathers, for which
Allah has sent down no authority
(whatever). They follow nothing but
conjecture and what their own souls
desire! though there has already come to
them Guidance form their Lord! Surah
53:19-23105 The Muslim answer to this is
that every Prophet faced this demonic
deception, which later needed to be
52 Never did We send a messenger or a
prophet before thee, but, when he framed
a desire, Satan threw some (vanity)
into his desire: but Allah will
cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws
in, (and establish) His Signs: For Allah
is full of knowledge and wisdom:
Surah 22:52
The original rendering of this verse
By Al-lat and Al-Uzzah and Manat, the
third, the other. They are exalted
beings. Their intercession is to be
sought after and their kind should not
be neglected
Mohammad explained the reason he made
this mistake, because Satan gave him
some bad verses. He felt this happened
to all the prophets at one time or
This violates the “Test of a Prophet”
this alone would label Mohammad as a
false prophet. |
Mary worshipped as God
Mohammad had a misunderstanding of
Christianity believing Mary was
worshipped as part of the “Trinity” |
116 And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus
the son of Mary! didst thou say unto
men, "Worship me and my mother as gods
in derogation of Allah?" He will say:
"Glory to Thee! never could I say what I
had no right (to say). Had I said such a
thing, Thou wouldst indeed have known
it. Thou knowest what is in my heart,
though I know not what is in Thine. For
Thou knowest in full all that is
hidden. Surah 5:116 |
Mohammad and the Quran, “The Revelation”
are in error about the doctrine of Mary
in Christianity. |
Direction of Prayer toward Jerusalem
Mohammad changed the direction of Prayer
from Mecca to Jerusalem when arrived at
Later it was changed back to Medina
after the Jews rejected his Prophethood. |
142 The fools among the people will say:
"What hath turned them from the Qiblah
to which they were used?" Say: "To Allah
belong both East and West: He guideth
whom He will to a Way that is straight."
143 Thus have We made of you an Ummah
justly balanced, that ye might be
witnesses over the nations, and the
Messenger a witness over yourselves; and
We appointed the Qiblah to which thou
wast used, only to test those who
followed the Messenger from those who
would turn on their heels (from the
Faith). Indeed it was (a change)
momentous, except to those guided by
Allah. And never would Allah make your
faith of no effect. For Allah is to all
people most surely full of kindness,
Most Merciful. 144 We see the turning of
thy face (for guidance) to the heavens:
now shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that
shall please thee. Turn then thy face in
the direction of the Sacred Mosque:
wherever ye are, turn your faces in that
direction. The People of the Book know
well that is the truth from their Lord,
nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.Surah 2:142:144 |
When Mohammed at first arrived in
Medina, he hoped the Jews would accept
him as a prophet. To help them see him
as a prophet he had the Muslims pray
toward Jerusalem. Later when the y
rejected him the direction changed back
toward Mecca.
Here Mohammad answered and says Allah
was testing his people to see who was
his followers.
This demonstrates convenient prophecies. |
Nature of Mohammed
Mohammad was born in the year 570 A.D., He
married Khadija at twenty-five in the year 595
A.D. In the year 610 when Mohammad was 40 years
old he claimed to have his first revelation from
the Angel Gabriel. In examining the claims of
the Quran and Islam it is only right to also
look at the life of Mohammad.
Demonic possession
Mohammad clearly feels his first encounter
with “Gabriel” is demonic and the question that
need to be addressed whether the Quran is from
God, Mohammed or Satan? Clearly Mohammad’s life
helps us answer this question.
"Ibn Ishaq says that, before the Revelation
first began to descend upon him, Mohammed's
friends feared that he was suffering from the
evil eye: and that, when it came upon him,
almost the same illness attacked him again. In
tradition it is stated that he ( Mohammed) said:
'I fear lest I should become a magician, lest
one should proclaim me a follower of the Jinn
(spirit)', and again: 'I fear lest there should
be madness' (or demonic possession) 'in me.'
After an accession of shivering and shutting his
eyes, there used to come over him what resembled
a swoon, his face would foam and he would roar
like a young camel." (mizanul MizanuŸl Haqq,
page 345).
"The Apostle of Allah said (to Aisha Ayshah)
'Sometimes it comes to me like the ringing of a
bell and that is the most troublesome to
me....sometimes the angel assumes the form of a
man for me and talks with me and I retain in
memory what he says! Aisha Ayshah reported 'And
indeed I saw him while the revelation descended
upon him on an intensely cold day; then it left
him while his brow steamed with sweat.'
"(Mishkat IV, page 360).
After Khadija died in 619 A.D., Mohammed
proceeded to marry other wives and concubines.
Two wives in particular are note and shed light
on the nature and character of Mohammad.
Zainab wife of Mohammed, wife of Zaid Mohammad’s
adopted son
Zainab was the wife of Zaid, Mohammad adopted
son. One day Mohammad saw her beauty and
desired her for his wife. Zaid divorced her so
his adopted “Father”, Mohammad could marry her.
" Mohammed beheld her, (Zainab, Zaid's wife)
after he ( Mohammed) had wedded her (Zainab) to
him (Zaid), and she fell into his soul;
therefore he said: 'Praise to Allah who turneth
hearts upsidedown.' Zaid heard it and there
occured to his soul an aversion from her society
(nearness). Therefore he came to the Prophet and
said: 'I desire to put away my wife!' After
having been persuaded to keep her on, Zaid tried
a while, but then divorced her. After the time
prescribed following a divorce, (a waiting
period of 90 days), another "revelation" came to
muhammad Mohammed: " 'We wedded her to thee'
(Sura 33:37)... the meaning is that He (Allah)
made her his ( Mohammed's) wife without the
interposition of a marriage contract. And what
confirms it (i.e. this explanation) is that she
used to say to the rest of the Prophet's wives,
'Verily Allah acted the part of a relative in my
being given in marriage, and as for you, your
relatives gave you in marriage.' And it is said
that Zaid was the go-between in her betrothal,
and that was a great trial, and an evident
witness to the strength of his faith".
(Commentary of baizawi Al-Baizåwi Volume II,
page 129), (mizanul MizanuŸl Haqq, pages
The latter statement of baizawi Baizåwi is, also
reflected in the "Sahih Muslim" (page 724):
"Allah's Messenger said to Zaid to make a
mention to her (Zainab) about him. Zaid
went--and said: 'Zainab, Allah's Messenger has
sent (me) with a message to you!' She said: I do
not do anything until I consult the will of my
Lord.' So she stood at her place of worship and
the (verse of) the Quran (pertaining to her
marriage) was revealed, and Allah's Messenger
came to her without permission."
To justify this marriage to his adopted son’s
wife the following Sura was revealed to
50 O Prophet We have made lawful to thee thy
wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and
those whom thy right hand possesses out of the
prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee
and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts,
and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts,
who migrated (From Mecca) with thee; and any
believing woman who dedicates her soul to the
Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her; this
only for thee, and not for the Believers (at
large); We know what We have appointed for them
as to their wives and The captives whom their
right hands possess; in order that there should
be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is
Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. … 51 Thou mayest
defer (the turn of) any of them that thou
pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou
pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou
invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside.
This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes,
The prevention of their grief, and their
satisfaction that of all of them with that which
thou hast to give them and Allah knows (all)
that is in your hearts: and Allah is All
knowing, Most Forbearing. Surah 33:50-51
Allah gave to Mohammad any women he choose, the
limits of his wives knew little bounds and
included his best friend’s (Abu Bakr) daughter
Mohammad was 52 years of age when he engaged
Aisha, three years later they were married when
she was age nine.
The tenth year of the Master’s mission was year
of the Master’s mission was a yare of unusal
gloom. He suffered two severe blows, one on the
heels of the other…..One night the Master lay in
bed. Presently an angel came down, carrying
something wrapped in silken cloth. He presented
it to the Master. “What is this?” the Master
demanded. “This is your wife”, was the reply.
The Maser removed the cloth and found Aisha
inside……The meaning of the vision was too
evident to miss. The Master needed a companion
to carry on his difficult mission….It chose
Aisha to fill the gap created by Khadija
death…..When the angel told the Master that
Aisha had been tipped to be his wife, she was
only a girl of six…… When Khaula took up the
matter with Abu Bakr his first reaction was of
surprise and he said, “The Master and I have
always looked upon each other as brothers. Aisha
is his niece. How can she be married to him?”……Khaula
conveyed the reply to the Master. “But Abu Bakr
in not my real brother” observed the Maser.
“he is only my brother in faith. Islam does not
forbid marriage with the daughter of such a
Caravan Raiding
The Islam doctrine of Jihad came out of the
raiding of Caravan leaving and heading toward
Mecca. The theft and murder was justified
because Mohammad was at war with “Holy City”.
Mohammad claimed a 20% share in all good taken
in Jihad.
41 And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in
war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah- and to
the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans,
the needy, and the wayfarer- if ye do believe in
Allah and in the revelation We sent down to our
Servant on the Day of Testing, the Day of the
meeting of the tow forces. For Allah hath power
over all things. Surah 8:41
If we examine the life of Mohammad and the
book of his “revelation” we can come to the
conclusion that Mohammad might have been the
prophet of Allah of Mecca, but he was not the
prophet of the God of the Bible. Much of Islam
is an attempt to copy and subvert the religions
of the Christians and the Jews as Mohammad
perceived their religion.
For this reason, we are reminded in
Deuteronomy 18 that we are not to fear “False
Prophets” because they operate out of fear.
The word
faultless in Arabic, (zakkiyya) means
that he is totally without sin.
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